The Star Malaysia - Star2

Critics, look within

Attire alone does not make a person more pious, for the beauty of a lady is not in her appearance but in her heart.

- By a. r. aMIrUDDIN

I HAD the opportunit­y to feast my eyes on a bevy of beautiful women without a single thread on their anatomies.

They posed completely in their birthday suits – in flesh and blood, right before my very eyes.

It was not a fantasy. It was not a dream. It was reality.

Their sexy bodies came in various sizes – thin, plump, firm bosom and fleshy rump. You name it. They had it.

This window of opportunit­y came with an additional bonus – cakes and drinks on the house. Free entertainm­ent, too.

As a reporter in the now defunct Straits Echo, I had to cover thrice- weekly press conference­s by local and mostly foreign artistes.

Some were band members from the Philippine­s. The majority were solo, scantily dressed performers engaged by nightclubs and hotels.

There was no dress code imposed for newspapers then.

The conditions were very lax. Sexy models with their tops almost exposed were splashed on the pages of the newspapers to boost their sales.

The excitement came during the photo sessions. The artistes struck various sexy poses, much to the delight of young punk reporters.

My most enjoyable preview was by striptease queen Rose Chan and her young chargers.

They executed their acts in a flawless and exotic manner. Their bodies were as flexible as if they were moulded from rubber.

Fully blossomed, these young artistes were on par with the profession­als.

The young reporters were glued to their seats. They gazed with bulging eyes – focusing not on the performanc­e but more on the flesh of these artistes.

Being seasoned in covering such assignment­s, I regarded the naked bodies of women as beautiful pieces of living art.

They were to be seen and admired, but strictly not to be touched.

There should have been no hue and cry about national artistic gymnast Farah Ann Abdul Hadi, but she got brickbats for her “revealing” attire in the recent SEA Games.

These critics would throw me into hell because I remain liberal. I refuse to be hypocritic­al like them.

Don’t complain about others. Change yourself first.

The lives of these critics are lean, empty and devoid of happiness. They do not live one day at a time.

In our country, some wear religious attire with special headgear to reflect their “superiorit­y”. Attire alone does not make a person more pious.

To me, the beauty of a lady is not in her appearance but in her heart. She can be treacherou­s if her heart is impure.

We alone can control our thinking – either to take the positive or negative approach.

We alone can open the door to our mental chambers. It all depends on whether an individual wants to make his/ her life a masterpiec­e.

Today, we live in a troubled world. A brilliant Majlis Amanah Rakyat ( Mara) scholarshi­p student was found guilty of having more than 30,000 images of child pornograph­y on his laptop.

He also had a life- sized mannequin of a boy. He was sentenced to 18 months’ jail where he studied overseas.

As I have journeyed through the sea of life, I have faced many trials and tribulatio­ns.

It is this suffering that has taught me to be a better and a more loving person.

Some never learn. They cling to arrogance – causing their downfall and the ruin of their lives.

Life on this earth is such a short visit. All know this but they defy this fact.

It is time for us, including me, to put character into our work and behaviour.

It is time for us to make our country more peaceful.

I am poor in material wealth, but rich in sympathy.

My hope is to see all Malaysians breathe out the vigour, vitality and freshness which we put in.

Exploit these natural resources so that we can move into the sunshine of life.

Be honest. That is the keyword I wish to stress to every citizen.

The sun and the moon never fail to provide us with their daily activities, which we need very much.

Can’t mankind follow suit?

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