The Star Malaysia - Star2

Give yourself a makeover from within


PLANNING to kick- start a healthy lifestyle? Treat your body and your mind well with these simple tips.

Swap out three carbs a week

Make a pact with yourself that on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, you swap out the standard plain processed noodle or pasta lunch for a healthier wholegrain rice or quinoa.

Whole grains are not only more nutritious but your body will digest them more slowly.

This way, you will be more likely to avoid that post- lunch sugar rush and crash.

Keep chugging water

In our tropical heat it’s important to keep hydrated.

Our bodies need water to keep running smoothly so to feel good you need to lubricate the system.

Do be careful though with sugared drinks. A typical can of soft drink contains some 40g of sugar.

The daily recommende­d intake from the World Health Organizati­on is 25 grams ( around 6 teaspoons) per day. Having a soft drink as a treat is great but for your body, make sure you’re drinking enough plain water.

Remind yourself how good you are

Being humble is fine but if it means you’re always scolding yourself, that’s not right either.

If that’s you, write down three things you know are good about you: maybe you forgive easily or maybe yourself do thoughtful things for your neighbours? Next time you’re feeling bad about yourself, look at the list.

You’re not that bad.

Have a giggle

You’re stuck in traffic, being pushed to the limit at work and then there’s all the usual stuff like the cat throwing up on the clean laundry and the kids showing off their Picasso skills on the bedroom wall.

To destress, make sure you spend time with friends. Not on Facebook or via texting but in real life. Meet up for coffee and have a really good laugh.

There’s nothing in the world like this kind of de- stress.

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