The Star Malaysia - Star2

Up- close and animated with The One


ARMED with passion, enthusiasm and the tenacity to excel in the world of animation, John Nevarez, former Pixar Animation Studios concept designer who was also involved in the upcoming animation movie Inside Out as its sketch artist, could look no further than his dream to just draw for a living.

In a two- day intense lecture with The One Academy’s Illustrati­on and Digital Animation students, Nevarez shared his personal story before teaching the basic principles in film design and drew with the students in an extreme drawing challenge.

Back in school, Nevarez worked with the school paper and had to produce drawings very quickly, forcing him to work fast and to think under the gun.

He subsequent­ly spent lots of time figuring out more storytelli­ng elements, copying and trying to get into other artists’ head.

Through the years he tried to teach himself art and built his own version of portfolio.

Nevarez ended up using that portfolio to look for a career in the animation industry but he kept getting turned down.

It took him awhile to realise his works didn’t tailor towards animation, so it was extremely challengin­g for him to get into the industry.

Nevarez then enrolled for classes at the animation union.

The programme there was more structured towards the industry.

Nevarez was then able to build a better portfolio, which helped open a few doors to the industry he always wanted to be in.

Now, Nevarez travels around the world to teach students by telling his story and sharing the finer details of film design and most importantl­y, how to build an effective portfolio.

“The One Academy students are extremely hungry to know more about the creative industry and that is good.

“To be in this industry, you need to have the passion, hunger and enthusiasm to know more.

“Never take things personally if your work gets rejected and never give up.

“If something doesn’t work, it is okay to just switch gears and try something different,” Nevarez said.

The creative institutio­n organised this seminar as part of its “Masters Train Masters” programme where experience­d profession­als are brought in to engage and educate the students, with an aim to expose them to real industry standards and help them access to open doors in the art industry.

As one of the leading creative institutio­ns in the country, The One Academy is committed to providing the best art education programme and continues to nurture its students passionate­ly by providing various diploma and degree courses.

For details on events held at The One Academy, visit www. toaevents. com.

For details on courses offered, visit www. toa. edu. my or call 03- 5637 5510 or e- mail your queries to enquiry@ toa. edu. my

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 ??  ?? John Nevarez commenting on The One academy students’ works during the lecture.
John Nevarez commenting on The One academy students’ works during the lecture.

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