The Star Malaysia - Star2

No selfie stick, no problem

- By Scott KleinBerg

Selfie sticks are being banned in a number of countries, especially in theme parks and museums. So how’s a person supposed to take a good selfie without a selfie stick?

That’s easy, actually; and some ways are even free. Here are some tips for great social media syeol• able to extend your arm 5ft or more, but you can certainly learn to extend it farther than you do now. Reach out and up for your best shot at getting as many people into the frame as possible.

O– noer oufsteh– e Watch features is one many people don’t know about. it can be used as a viewfinder for the camera on your iPhone. Apple Watch will show you a live preview of what your iPhone sees. The best part? You can set the timer on the camera and frame it all with your watch. Want a cheaper

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albeit slightly less cool way? Use the button on your iPhone headphones to release the shutter. Yep, you can do that.

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are free, but all will allow you to change the camera’s field of view by simulating a wider angle. Now keep in mind that while a wider angle will help make for a more crowded shot, which is probably what you are going for, apps are limited because they are digital. if you want better selfies, keep reading.

i don’t even know where to begin with a recommenda­tion, so here’s another kind: Google “add- on lenses for iPhone” or “add- on lenses for Android,” and you’ll see plenty of choices that range from reasonably priced to almost as much as the phone itself. But consider that you’re basically adding a mini DSlR camera to your iPhone, so if you’re serious about good selfies and better photograph­y in general, it may pay for itself rather quickly. That

• Add- on lenses.

is, until the phone changes and the lens changes along with it.

in addition, here are some general tips for better selfies, no matter what equipment you are using.

even a candle in a dark bar is better than just firing up the flash.

• Let there be light:

• What’s your background?

for the love of everything, no selfies in front of the bathroom door, or worse, the toilet.

Selfies should never look like mug shots or

• Have fun with it:

stuffy high school yearbook photos.

ing• Eitd: iTthtehree’pshportoob­abbelfyosr­oemshe- arthing • Be spontaneou­s and fun. • Bonus tip:

you can do in post- processing to make it a little better.

Try sunglasses or a silly hat.

See if someone will take the photo for you.

Now that photo of you, or you and your friends, will look awesome – even when you’re stuck without a stick. — Tribune News Service

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 ??  ?? Selfie sticks are being banned in places like museums in some countries but there are other easy ways to shoot selfies. — Bloomberg
Selfie sticks are being banned in places like museums in some countries but there are other easy ways to shoot selfies. — Bloomberg

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