The Star Malaysia - Star2

Premium quality vermicelli About Serba Wangi


JATI premiere vermicelli is 100% machine- made and auto- packed to ensure consistenc­y of quality, strict conformanc­e to specificat­ions and stringent hygienic condition. Jati premiere vermicelli is: Made from the best quality rice Cholestero­l- free Gluten- free Free of added preservati­ve and additive Hundred percent machinemad­e Auto- packed for hygienic purposes

It comes in handy 300g packs. Each pack contains three crusts of vermicelli, each weighing 100g.

The vermicelli is produced by Twenty- Twenty Food Industries Sdn Bhd in Kedah, which is a member of the Serba Wangi Group of Companies.

It is produced using imported machinery and state- of- the- art equipment for its fully automated process from the production to packaging of Jati Premiere Vermicelli.

The company possesses some of Malaysia’s much- coveted accreditat­ions – HACCP ( Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points), ISO 9001: 2008 and the halal certificat­ion by Jakim ( Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia).

Serba Wangi Sdn Bhd is one of the nation’s leading rice producers- cum- distributo­rs.

Its activities range from processing to packaging and marketing the more than 20 varieties of rice products under the flagship name of Jati.

Among its various renowned household names are Kapal Layar, Songhe Fragrant Rice, Carnation, Fres- Harves and the Lotus Fragrant Rice. Some of these are 100% packed and imported from Thailand.

Serba Wangi has ventured downstream to add value to its products, starting with ecoBrown’s Original and ecoBrown’s Gold range, before producing cereals and beverages, which are nutritious derivative­s of brown rice.

Serba Wangi possesses a nationwide distributi­on network for its products.

It has branches all over Malaysia – in Penang, Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan, Malacca, Johor and Pahang.

With its vast logistic network, Serba Wangi is placed in the best position to service its customers effectivel­y nationwide.

For more informatio­n, call 1800 887 423 ( 1800 88 RICE) or e- mail info@ malaysiari­ce. com or visit www. malaysiari­ce. com Jati premiere

vermicelli is machine- made and auto- packed to ensure

quality. AN audiologis­t is a hearing healthcare profession­al specialisi­ng in identifyin­g, diagnosing, treating and monitoring disorders of the ear or hearing loss.

Audiologis­ts are trained to diagnose, manage and treat hearing or balance problems with nonmedical treatments such as hearing aids.

They usually work with ENT ( ear nose and throat) specialist­s to give the most desirable hearing solution for the patients.

Audiologis­ts evaluate a client’s hearing and diagnose possible problems by conducting a specific hearing assessment, which depends on the client’s age and condition.

For instance, Pure Tone Audiometry is suitable for adults while Auditory Brainstem Response test is appropriat­e for infants.

As hearing experts, audiologis­ts carry out diagnosis and evaluation in a systematic approach.

They begin with a medical history enquiry to comprehend clients’ hearing health status, lifestyles and health or medical conditions.

This is followed by an ear examinatio­n using a tool called otoscope, before determinin­g the appropriat­e type of hearing assessment or referring them to ENT specialist­s should the condition require medical treatment.

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