The Star Malaysia - Star2

Help from a furry friend


I HAD a skin problem which left scars and they mentally destroyed me in every way. I was angry all the time because I was stressed.

I could not bear to see my legs and hands as I would break down and cry.

Maybe it was because I was young and had no strength to fight the disease. It was itchy and painful. It overtook me and made me feel inferior.

I took a skin biopsy and the result came out as inflammati­on. I was disappoint­ed with the result but my dermatolog­ist was a sweetheart. She assured me that it was not a problem and would eventually go away.

She gave me the best treatment and helped me in all ways possible. She gave me medicines to control the disease but it would not go away.

Everytime I see a red spot on my body, I get tense and upset. My mom tries to find ways to make me feel better while my dad tells me, “The more you look and think about it, the more you’ll feel inferior and get tensed.”

One day, I went to a vet clinic and I saw a kitten for adoption. She was very cute and really playful and made me laugh.

I decided to adopt her after talking to my parents. She became my responsibi­lity. I cleaned her, took care of her and played with her. This made me happy and positive.

If I feel sad, I will tell her. I know she cannot advise me but at least, I don’t stress her out with my problems and I feel relieved. I named her Sofie because she is soft and gentle.

A few years after my diagnosis, the scars faded and I found a drink that helped me better than medicines did. I feel thankful that I have Sofie with me all the time.

I no longer feel lonely and sad. Sofie is one of the reasons why I healed faster than I expected. Animals do change lives and bring positive vibes to those who need help.

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