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Benefits of krill oil


KRILL are small crustacean­s that can be found in oceans around the world, mostly in the Arctic and Antarctic seas.

Krill oil is the novel source of omega3 fatty acids occurring in the form of Eicosapent­aenoic acid ( EPA) and docosahexa­noic acid ( DHA).

Clinical studies have demonstrat­ed that phospholip­id bound omega- 3 fatty acids in krill increases the bioavailab­ility and enhances bioefficac­y of omega- 3 fatty acids, proving krill oil an effective omega- 3 source.

Modern day diet contains more omega- 6 fatty acids compared with omega- 3 fatty acids due to the over- consumptio­n of processed foods and vegetable oils which are found in corn and soybean. On the other hand, consumptio­n of omega- 3- rich foods such as cold water fishes has markedly decreased.

As a result, the ratio between omega6 to omega- 3 can be as high as 20: 1 when the ideal ratio should be 4: 1, much like our primitive ancestors’ diets. Being pro- inflammato­ry in nature, the over- consumptio­n of Omega- 6 fatty acids can cause increased blood clotting, impaired immune response and systemic inflammati­on.

Consequent­ly, diseases such as heart diseases, obesity, allergies, asthma and diabetes develop in our bodies. Supplement­ing with phospholip­id bound Omega- 3, like krill oil, can help create a better balance of the mentioned omegas.

Omega- 3 in krill oil slows down production of inflammati­on- producing compounds and in turn promote production of resolvins and protectins, components that aid in lowering inflammati­on and protecting our tissues from oxidative damage.

Omega- 3 fatty acids not only have anti- inflammato­ry properties, they also play key roles in our brain cell membrane compositio­n and cell signalling. The human brain consists of at least 60% fat, with DHA being the most abundant fatty acid ( 15% of all brain fatty acids).

Many studies have shown that omega- 3 EPA and DHA help support memory, mood and attention. In fact, sufficient high intake of omega- 3 has been linked with maintainin­g and enhancing cognitive function among the elderly, reducing the risk of developing mild memory problems associated with ageing.

Omega- 3 fatty acids have been proven in various studies to support heart health and lower blood pressure. Omega- 3 fatty acids also lower blood clot risk by altering blood clot formation processes and decreasing the levels of the “bad” cholestero­l ( LDL) while increasing the levels of “good” cholestero­l ( HDL). As a result, omega- 3 helps keep both the heart and arteries healthy.

A multiple dose study ( 1 to 3 g/ d) in patients with elevated lipid levels compared krill oil and fish oil found that krill oil is more effective than fish oil in reducing total cholestero­l, LDLcholest­erol, and triglyceri­des, as well as increasing HDL- cholestero­l levels.

Omega- 3s play a crucial role in women’s health by reducing severity of premenstru­al syndrome ( PMS).

PMS refers to a collective group of physical and emotional symptoms including mood swings, tender breasts, fatigue, irritabili­ty and depression that occur one to two weeks before a woman’s period.

Most women experience PMS due to hormonal changes that trigger the disruptive symptoms. Phospholip­ids which are abundant in krill oil are known to support healthy hormone production and support a balanced menstrual cycle.

In conclusion, supplement­ation of krill oil has been associated with a plethora of health benefits mainly due to the high content of phospholip­id bound Omega- 3.

This article is a courtesy of Vitamode.

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