The Star Malaysia - Star2

Ncrea in your fibre intake


HOW many of us have endured the discomfort of bloating and constipati­on just because we couldn’t afford to spend hours in the toilet waiting for something to happen?

Overcoming constipati­on and bloatednes­s can be very simple – just understand what it takes for our colon to be healthy and happy, which isn’t much at all.

Probably the most common advice for people with constipati­on is to eat more fruits or vegetables and drink more water.

This is because vegetables and fruits contain dietary fibre, one of the most important contributo­rs to regular bowel movement.

However, we still don’t have time to always ensure our diet includes vegetables and fruits. Is there a more convenient dietary fibre supplement in the market?

Well, there is – Beauxlim Lemon Mix Fibre Complex is a drink packed with dietary fibre.

Packed in convenient sachets, just drink a glass daily. The dietary fibre not only helps with bowel movement but also promotes growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, enhancing the body’s ability to absorb important nutrients such as calcium.

Working together with the dietary fibre to promote colon movement and keeping it healthy is lemon.

A significan­t immune system booster, it also helps to detoxify the body so that one will feel good and look better.

What about weight? Seeing how it’s full of dietary fibre, does Beauxlim Lemon Mix Fibre Complex also aid in weight loss?

It does – the drink contains green tea extract as well, which helps in breaking down fats.

Beauxlim Lemon Mix Fibre Complex is made from 100% natural plant- based ingredient­s with no preservati­ves, chemical additives or laxatives.

The drink is pleasant and enjoyable to consume. It has a non- sticky texture and tastes similar to lemon tea. This is a “workout” that one will actually look forward to daily.

For Yoke Chen – a second runner- up at the 2009 Astro Star Quest as well as winner of the TVB8 Internatio­nal Chinese New Talent Singing Championsh­ip ( while bagging the Perfect Performanc­e Award too), not only does she have to look her best for public and media appearance­s but also stay healthy even with a hectic schedule.

This hasn’t been easy, at least until now.

“I used to suffer from constipati­on as well as bloating and had to spend hours in the toilet.

“Before taking Beauxlim Lemon Mix Fibre Complex, I tried all sorts of fibre drinks but they tasted horrible with a viscous sticky texture that was really hard to keep down.

“Beauxlim Lemon Mix Fibre Complex is a class above the rest. It tastes like lemon tea and does not have a sticky texture so it’s easy to drink.

“Each day, I look forward to drinking it and the best part is that I no longer have constipati­on or bloating. I am more confident when performing or shooting because I know that I won’t have any sudden emergency trips to the toilet because of the drink. The confidence comes from looking better too – I have a flatter tummy and I feel great.”

Join Yoke Chen and give yourself ( and your colon) the workout you know you need.

Beauxlim Lemon Mix Fibre Complex is available at leading pharmacies for RM56.

You will get 15 sachets of the Beauxlim Lemon Fibre Mix Complex and if you get them now, there will be three additional sachets plus a convenient shaker.

So head for the nearest pharmacy for a healthier and slimmer you.

For details, call the Beauxlim Careline at 1300 882 993 or check out www. beauxlim. com

 ??  ?? Beauxlim Lemon Mix Fibre Complex is made from 100% natural plant- based ingredient­s with no preservati­ves, chemical additives or laxatives.
Beauxlim Lemon Mix Fibre Complex is made from 100% natural plant- based ingredient­s with no preservati­ves, chemical additives or laxatives.
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