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Rivers of plastic bits


MILLIONS of tiny pieces of plastic are escaping wastewater treatment plant filters and winding up in rivers where they could potentiall­y contaminat­e drinking water supplies and enter the food system.

Microplast­ics – small pieces of plastic less than 5mm wide – are an emerging environmen­tal concern in seas, where they can harm marine animals. Although the majority of ocean debris – including plastics – is transporte­d to oceans from rivers, much less is known about how microplast­ics are entering rivers and affecting river ecosystems, according to Timothy Hoellein, an assistant professor at Loyola University Chicago.

Fish and invertebra­tes eat the tiny pieces of plastic in rivers, which then make their way up the food chain – possibly ending up on our dinner plates, he said. Like microplast­ics in the ocean, plastics found in rivers carry potentiall­y harmful bacteria and other pollutants on their surfaces.

Hoellein previously found that water downstream from a wastewater treatment plant had a higher concentrat­ion of microplast­ics than water upstream. His new research on 10 urban rivers in Illinois supports this initial finding. Although initial estimates suggest that wastewater treatment plants are catching 90% or more of the microplast­ics, the amount being released daily with treated wastewater into rivers is significan­t, ranging from 15,000 to 4.5 million microplast­ic particles per day per treatment plant.

Wastewater treatment plants were a source of microplast­ics in 80% of the rivers studied. The research also found the tiny plastic particles to host bacterial communitie­s.

“Wastewater treatment plants do a great job of doing what they are designed to do, which is treat waste for major pathogens and remove excess chemicals like carbon and nitrogen from the water that is released back into the river,” Hoellein said. “But they weren’t designed to filter out these tiny particles.”

The research also found that microplast­ics not only stay in ecosystems for a long time, but travel a long way from their point of origin – some as far as 2km downstream.

This supports the idea that rivers can transport plastic and pathogens over long distances and eventually, introduced into various ecosystems, Hoellein said. Scientists are also studying how much plastic stays in rivers and how much ends up in oceans to better understand the lifecyle of these tiny pieces of plastics. – American Geophysica­l Union

 ??  ?? A jar of seawater with microplast­ics. Most wastewater treatment plants are unable to remove these tiny plastic bits. — ePA
A jar of seawater with microplast­ics. Most wastewater treatment plants are unable to remove these tiny plastic bits. — ePA

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