The Star Malaysia - Star2

Reporting for duty

Rani Kulup makes his acting debut and plans to # kipidap.

- By ANGELIN YEOH entertainm­ent@ thestar. com. my Kipidapp: Selamatkan Hari Jadi is currently showing at cinemas nationwide. For GSC showtimes, turn to P17.

IT was reported in February this year that Rani Kulup is taking a break from making police reports. Yes, the man notorious for filing police reports about protests and negative social media postings has decided to take time out. ( He proudly claimed that he has wrote up to 1,000 reports since 2011.)

Rani who is the president of Martabat Jalinan Muhibbah Malaysia ( MJMM) wants to focus on other gigs such as business and acting.

As it turns out, he was not kidding about acting. The 60- year- old former military man makes his movie debut in Kipidapp: Selamatkan Hari Jadi, a comedy by MIG Production­s.

At the movie premiere in Kuala Lumpur recently, Rani – who was sporting his trademark red beret and military outfit – shared that it was a dream come true.

“I’ve always had interest in acting,” he said. “When producer David Teo offered me the role, I didn’t hesitate at all. I told him I can do anything. I’m not scared! If he wants me to dive into water or perform any other stunts, I have no problem.”

In the movie, Rani plays Tok Daddy, a character who is not that different from Rani, where his job and outfits are concerned.

Tok Daddy is someone who spews trademark catchphras­es such as “kipidap” and “dongibap”. Every morning, he says goodbye to his wife ( Nanny Rockie played by Kartina Aziz) before going to Dang Wangi to make police reports. His military background influences what he names his horses. Oh, and he never removes his sunglasses – not even when he’s watching TV with his grandchild­ren at home.

( If you’re curious about why he doesn’t take off his sunglasses, it’s explained in the movie.)

Kipidapp: Selamatkan Hari Jadi also stars Atikah Suhaime as a lawyer who seeks out her grandparen­ts ( Tok Daddy and Nanny) after a nasty breakup. According to Rani, the movie’s theme resonates with the cause of his non- government­al organisati­on MJMM.

“The movie highlights the importance of family values and community life which is what we’ve been fighting for. We want Malaysia and its people to thrive in a peaceful environmen­t.”

Producer Teo praised Rani’s dedication and discipline as an actor. He said: “He’s always on time. If the call time is 8am, Rani will be there at 7am. I have to say his dedication is better than some of the younger actors I’ve worked with. He also worked closely with Kartina and the director Eyra Rahman for guidance.”

Rani hopes the movie will change people’s perception about him.

“I feel like everyone just knows me as Raja Report Police Malaysia ( country’s ‘ police report king’). With this movie, they can see that I’m more than that. I can be entertaini­ng too. I also hope to start directing my own thing one day. Maybe do a documentar­y.”

He revealed that he has received two other acting offers, including a production with Datuk Yusof Haslam.

Would Rani start feeling glamorous now that he has the potential to be a movie star?

“Dah lama glamour dah ( I’ve always been glamorous). The newspapers have been writing stories about me and I’ve been featured on TV. With this movie, I’ll just be more famous,” he answered with a laugh.

 ??  ?? 1 Tok daddy hatches up a plan to surprise his granddaugh­ter with a birthday party.
1 Tok daddy hatches up a plan to surprise his granddaugh­ter with a birthday party.
 ??  ?? 2 rani makes his acting debut in Kipidapp: Selamatkan Hari
Jadi. he credits co- star Kartina for patiently guiding him through the process.
2 rani makes his acting debut in Kipidapp: Selamatkan Hari Jadi. he credits co- star Kartina for patiently guiding him through the process.
 ??  ?? 3 Kartina plays the wife to Tok daddy ( rani). — Photos: MIG
3 Kartina plays the wife to Tok daddy ( rani). — Photos: MIG

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