The Star Malaysia - Star2

Deal with lice safely


HEAD lice infestatio­n is one of the most contagious conditions among children. Use Nitclear to get rid of head lice without worry as Nitclear offers a pesticide- free treatment.

Although head lice infestatio­ns are common, dealing with them can be emotionall­y and physically gruelling for parents and children.

Furthermor­e, current treatment options available in the local market are often harmful or pesticide- based products containing permethrin, lindane and benzyl benzoate.

Nitclear is a liquid lotion treatment clinically proven to eliminate head lice and eggs in just three simple steps.

Its primary ingredient­s cyclomethi­cone and isopropyl myristate are safe, effective, non- irritating and hypoallerg­enic.

Nitclear works by filling the tracheal system of head lice within minutes, interrupti­ng oxygen supply and leading to rapid death of lice. It is also capable of killing eggs.

Therefore, Nitclear can stop the developmen­t of the parasites and prevent recurrence of infestatio­n.

Since Nitclear is pesticide- free, it can be safely reapplied when necessary. Nitclear is non- greasy, has a pleasant smell and requires no shampooing, which makes the use of Nitclear stress- free.

Head lice infestatio­n, also known as pediculosi­s, is a common childhood disease, with incidences peaking in children aged five to 11. It is not due to poor hygiene.

Head lice can spread when there is direct contact between the head or hair and an infested individual as well as through sharing personal articles such as hats, towels, brushes, helmets and hair ties.

Head lice infestatio­ns are on the rise worldwide. This is partly due to the emergence of genetic resistance in adult lice to commonly used pediculici­des such as pyrethrin, permethrin and lindane.

Overexposu­re to these pediculici­des in an attempt to treat resistant infestatio­ns may increase the risk of toxic side effects of these agents.

Pesticide- based products containing permethrin have been shown to be respirator­y allergens and the use of them may result in asthma- like symptoms, especially in children with a history of asthma or allergies.

It can also cause neurotoxic­ity resulting in aggressive behaviour and disruption of learning.

Various studies have shown that permethrin can affect the reproducti­ve system by disturbing the sex hormone and suppressin­g the immune system.

More recently, the United States Environmen­tal Protection Agency classified permethrin as likely to be carcinogen­ic to humans.

According to the US FDA Postmarket Drug Safety Informatio­n, lindane can cause serious side effects, including seizures and deaths in patients who use too much lindane or after a second treatment with lindane.

Nitclear is available at leading pharmacies and clinics in Malaysia, sold together with a special comb. For more informatio­n, call 03- 5629 3750.

 ??  ?? A single applicatio­n of Nitclear effectivel­y destroys lice at all developmen­tal stages.
A single applicatio­n of Nitclear effectivel­y destroys lice at all developmen­tal stages.

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