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Superbug deaths going unreported

In the US, many cases of hospital-acquired infections is going unreported, scientists have found.

- By MELODY PETERSEN Dr Barry Farr, former president of the Society for Healthcare Epidemiolo­gy of America

MANY thousands of California­ns are dying every year from infections they caught while in hospitals. But you’d never know that from their death certificat­es.

Sharley McMullen came down with a fever just hours after being wheeled out of a Torrance Memorial Medical Center operating room on May 4, 2014. A missionary’s daughter who worked as a secretary, McMullen, 72, was there for treatment of a bleeding stomach ulcer.

Soon, though, she was fighting for her life.

On her medical chart, a doctor scribbled “CRKP”, an ominous abbreviati­on for one of the world’s most lethal superbugs, underlinin­g it three times.

Doctors tried antibiotic after antibiotic. But after five weeks in the hospital, mostly in intensive care and on morphine because of the pain, McMullen died from complicati­ons of the infection, according to a Lo s Angeles Tim es review of her medical records.

Her death certificat­e does not mention the hospital-acquired infection or CRKP, however. Instead, her doctor wrote that McMullen had died from respirator­y failure and septic shock caused by her ulcer.

The doctor’s conclusion outraged Shawn Chen, McMullen’s daughter.

“It should say she died of an infection she got in the hospital,” said Chen. “She was so hardy. She would have made it through if it wasn’t for this infection.”

Dr Yasmeen Shaw, who treated McMullen in the ICU and filled out the death certificat­e, said she was following directions from health officials by recording the underlying cause of death, which in her opinion was the perforated ulcer.

“Everything that happened to her health is a consequenc­e of the initial condition she came in with,” Shaw said. “Had the patient not have had a perforated ulcer, they wouldn’t have been in the hospital in the first place.”

McMullen’s case is hardly unusual. An epidemic of hospital-acquired infections is going unreported, scientists have found.

University of Michigan researcher­s reported in a 2014 study that infections – both those acquired inside and outside hospitals – would replace heart disease and cancer as the leading causes of death in US hospitals if the count was performed by looking at patients’ medical billing records, which show what they were being treated for, rather than death certificat­es.

“Even if one person dies from a hospital-acquired infection, it’s one too many,” said Dr Chesley Richards, who oversees the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Center (CDC) for Health Statistics and who met recently with a group of families to discuss the misleading death certificat­es.

California does not track deaths from hospital-acquired infections. And unlike two dozen other states, California does not require hospitals to report when patients are sickened by the rare, lethal superbug that afflicted McMullen, raising questions about whether health officials are doing enough to stop its spread.

McMullen’s daughter Chen said she called the Los Angeles County Public Health Department to report that her mother had been diagnosed with CRKP, which stands for carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneum o niae, at Torrance Memorial. When the bacteria gets into a patient’s blood, it kills as many as half its victims.

A county employee told her it was not a reportable infection. “She said, ‘It’s everywhere,’” Chen said.

Torrance Memorial declined to answer questions about the accuracy of the death certificat­e or other questions about McMullen’s care. In a statement, the hospital said it “takes patient safety, particular­ly as it relates to infection control, very seriously.”

Experts say hospitals can prevent the deaths through better infection control procedures, including some as simple as making sure staff wash their hands, but have little incentive to do so if the deaths are not reported.

“We, the community of physicians, had been watching these patients die and trundling them off to the morgue for years,” said Dr Barry Farr, former president of the Society for Healthcare Epidemiolo­gy of America, who is now retired. “Now we’re in the eighth verse of the same song.”

Federal health officials call CRKP and other species of pathogens in the broader family known as carbapenem-resistant enterobact­eriaceae, or CRE, one of the nation’s most urgent health threats.

Because of the danger, the CDC recommends that local health officials require hospitals to report CRE cases.

And if that’s not possible, according to agency guidelines, health department­s should still survey hospitals and nursing homes for the presence of the superbug to make sure facilities are trying to halt its transmissi­on.

Chen said that at first the nurses at Torrance Memorial had taken extra precaution­s to keep the bacteria raging through her mother’s body from spreading by wearing disposable gowns and posting a sign on the door warning others from entering.

But Chen said she was stunned when her mother was moved to another floor where no such precaution­s were taken. “There was a bedpan of urine sitting on a chair,” Chen said.

Chen said she worries that other patients may have been infected.

Torrance Memorial declined to comment on Chen’s report of a gap in safety precaution­s.

County health officials explained that they had stopped requiring health facilities to report CRE infections in 2012 “due to resource limitation­s”, though some hospitals voluntaril­y submit bacte- rial samples from patients diagnosed with the superbug.

The CDC estimates that 75,000 Americans with hospital-acquired infections die during their hospitalis­ations each year. Since California provides between 10% and 12% of the nation’s hospital care, state officials used the agency’s analysis to estimate that 7,500 to 9,000 California­ns die each year from infections from hospital germs.

But these numbers may be underestim­ated, perhaps by a great degree, experts say.

“It’s fair to challenge that number,” the CDC’s Richards said of the estimate of 75,000 deaths.

Sepsis can cause death when an infection spreads to the blood, triggering an inflammato­ry response that damages the body’s organs and causes them to fail.

In March, the CDC estimated that the actual number of deaths from sepsis were as much as 140% higher than those recorded on death certificat­es, or as many as 381,000 deaths a year.

According to another study, 37% of hospitalis­ations for sepsis were caused by infections caught in hospitals or other health facilities like nursing homes.

That suggests that as many as 140,000 Americans are dying each year from health care-acquired sepsis, just one subgroup of the infections.

McMullen came to Torrance Memorial for an elective hernia surgery in late April 2014. A week later, her husband rushed her to the emergency room because she was suffering from abdominal pain and weakness.

ER doctors suspected she was losing blood from a perforated ulcer in her stomach. Their suspicion was confirmed through two procedures with an endoscope. She had surgery to stop the bleed- ing on May 4. By the next day, doctors had diagnosed her infection and sepsis.

McMullen’s medical records, which her family provided to The Tim es, detail how doctors became frustrated as the drugs they prescribed – including colistin, known as the antibiotic of last resort – did not help.

The CDC advises hospitals that have a patient with CRE to test other patients nearby and those who have shared the same medical equipment to ensure others are not infected.

One reason doctors are reluctant to report in public records that patients have died from hospital-acquired infections, experts say, is the possibilit­y of malpractic­e lawsuits.

CDC officials warned in October that they had discovered that some hospitals had tried to stop their infection-control staff from reporting certain types of hospital-acquired infections to a national database as required.

In a 2010 survey published in a CDC medical journal, 49% of New York City medical residents said they had knowingly reported an inaccurate cause of death on a certificat­e.

In May, Dr Martin Makary, a surgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, called on the CDC to add a line to all death certificat­es where doctors would be asked if the death was caused by a preventabl­e complicati­on from medical care.

Makary estimates that infections, errors and other cases of “medical care going wrong” would be at least the third-leading cause of death among Americans if they were properly recorded.

“We need an open and honest conversati­on about the problem,” Makary said. — Los Angeles Times/Tribune News Service

We, the community of physicians, had been watching these patients die and trundling them off to the morgue for years. N ow we’re in the eighth verse of the same song.

 ??  ?? 73-year-old Sharley McMullen (centre) died from a superbug infection after having two medical scope procedures and a surgery. — TNS
73-year-old Sharley McMullen (centre) died from a superbug infection after having two medical scope procedures and a surgery. — TNS

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