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Geeking out

Buffy The Vampire Slayer ’s James Marsters will always be Spike, and he’s OK with that.

- By CONNIE OGLE Marsters has also starred in TV shows like and — Filepic

ACTOR James Marsters has always liked going to comic convention­s. At 13, he even went dressed as a Vulcan, “gutting it out,” he jokes, when such a thing wasn’t even close to cool.

“What I found was a place where everyone was beautiful and safe and you could be whoever you wanted to be,” says the man who was Spike, the vampire on Buffy The Vampire Slayer who fell in love with the hero he was trying to kill. “I felt love. There’s a high amount of tolerance for diversity. People at a con are not protecting themselves with cellphones. They’ll take one out tto takek pictures,i bbut that’sh’ it.i MostM pplaces I go, people have their heads down staring at their screens. It’s kkind of nice to be where there are hundreds of people just bbeing together.”

These days, Marsters,

Hawaii Five-0, Torchwood Smallville. 54, sees convention­s from the other side as a guest at comic convention­s around the country.

The good-natured, thoughtful Marsters, whoh alsol appearedd ini theh BBuffyff sequel Angel, Hawaii Five-0, Torchwood and Smallville, says he’ll answer any question fans throw his way about the groundbrea­king show, which ended in 2004 after seven seasons but lives on through a popular comic book series. Marsters has also racked up credits on audiobooks, animated features, video games, films and stage plays, but despite a varied resume, he’ll always be remembered as Spike.

This is not a problem.

“It’s a complete blessing,” says Marsters, minus Spike’s British accent (Marsters is from California). “I have friends who are very talented on the stage but never got a chance to make the crossover. I think what everyone hopes for is that one hit, that thing that puts you on a map. If you’re in a rock band, you need that one hit album, then you can tour for years. ... I think of Buffy as my hit album.” The show, conceived by Joss Whedon – “he’s a genius,” Marsters says simply, “and I realised it as soon as I met him” – followed the story of teenager Buffy Summers (Sarah Michelle Gellar) who lived on the Hellmouth, fought demons with her friends and saved the world (a lot). In her path stood the iconic Spike, black leather duster, Billy Idol curls and cheekbones to die for (many did). He ended up in love with her, launching a million relationsh­ipper arguments. Buffy and Angel, her first (vampire) love? Or Buffy and Spike? (Whedon himself recently confessed to Complex magazine that he was a Buffy/Spike shipper.)

Marsters loves to talk about the show (he’ll also happily discuss Star Trek and Star Wars, though don’t ask him to name a favourite: “I can have my cake and eat it, too”). His favourite Buffy episodes are The Body (“And I wasn’t even in it!”) and the musical Once More With Feeling, still one of television’s best and most innovative hours, which he calls “a very brave choice on the edge of insanity, but we got away with it.

“It’s fabulous, but we were scared. We thought Joss was jumping the shark. He had to persevere through a lot,” he says.

“I did not have faith Joss could write music! I’m ashamed of it now. He gave us a cassette of him singing and tinkling at the piano, and I thought it was cheesy. But it wasn’t fully orchestrat­ed. They’re great songs. I was into punk rock and Everclear then and didn’t want to sing show tunes!”

As for Gellar, who ended up hiring two vocal coaches, he says simply: “She had the most to lose. She was amazing. That woman’s got balls.”

The question he’s asked most frequently at comic cons is who’s a better kisser, Gellar or John Barrowman of Torchwood.

“The truth is I don’t really know,” he admits. “Kissing on camera is not a sensual experience. ... the closer you get to the other actor, the easier it is to ruin the shot. You hear ‘Rotate your head to the left. Stop. Back, back, back. Wait!’ It’s a very technical process.

“When I first kissed Sarah I was being very passionate because I was playing a character who had been looking forward to this so much. Sarah had to say: ‘James, this is just like stunts. You can’t be passionate with stunts, you’ve got to do it by the numbers or we’re going to be here all day.’”

Marsters believes the Buffyverse endures because of the show’s strong writing and its theme, “which is how do you get through adolescenc­e without giving up. We all go through that. ... Hamlet is about this, too, actually. Joss just tackled it with humour and werewolves and vampires.”

Comic writer Georges Jeanty, who lives in Miami, has written more than 40 Buffy comic books for Dark Horse Comics, picking up the story where the series finale ended and carrying it through its most recent release, Season 11.

He believes the show’s universali­ty bolsters its continuing longevity.

“Buffy hit at a perfect time where strong female characters weren’t as visible, and the idea of a strong female flawed character was even more rare,” Jeanty says. “She was just this regular girl who had this power that made her special but didn’t necessaril­y make her right. Who she was appealed to people much in the same way Rocky Horror appealed to people in the 1970s. The outcast characters that you can relate to like Willow or Xander or Oz, you can see yourself in them.”

Jeanty, too, loves talking about Buffy in this brave new world of the comic con, where embracing the fantastica­l is the norm.

“It’s OK to be a geek now,” he says happily. “When I was in high school, if you were into Star Trek or Star Wars, you had to go about it on the down low.” – Miami Herald/Tribune News Service

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