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Give your colon a workout


IT is a way of life that most have come to accept: the grab-and-go lifestyle where little thought is given to the food consumed, as long as it’s fast and tastes good.

Many of these foods are highly processed and are often bad for health.

Many end up having to endure discomfort of bloatednes­s and constipati­on but they cannot afford spending hours in the toilet waiting for something to happen.

Timing is always tight – time to pick up the kids or head for an important meeting, and the health of our bowels comes last on the list of priorities.

But overcoming constipati­on and bloatednes­s is simple and does not require sacrificin­g careers or the children’s well-being.

The colon just needs to stay healthy and happy, and it does not take much effort at all.

The most common advice for those with constipati­on is to eat more fruits or vegetables and drink lots of water.

The reason is that vegetables and fruits contain dietary fibre and that is not absorbed by the body.

Instead, it moves through the digestive tract mostly intact and encourages intestine contractio­ns, giving it a thorough workout and helps move material through the digestive tract.

Dietary fibre also absorbs water, making for softer and bulkier stools that are easier to pass.

Beauxlim Lemon Mix Fibre Complex is a drink full of dietary fibre. It is 100% natural plantbased with no preservati­ves, chemical additives or laxatives.

A glass of Beauxlim Lemon Mix Fibre Complex, which is convenient­ly packed in sachets, aids bowel movement and also the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

This enhances the body’s ability to absorb important nutrients such as calcium. Lemon boosts the immune system and helps detoxify the body.

The drink also contains green tea extract which helps in the breaking down of fats, which can help in slimming.

The drink is also pleasant and enjoyable to consume – it has a non-sticky texture that is easy to accept and a taste similar to lemon tea.

The 2009 Astro Quest second runner-up and winner of the TVB8 Internatio­nal Chinese New Talent Singing Championsh­ip Chen Keat Yoke, better known as Yoke Chen, drinks Beauxlim Lemon Mix Fibre Complex to help keep her body tight.

“After I started drinking the fibre drink, all my digestive problems were gone,” remarked Chen.

“I no longer feel bloated. I have a flatter tummy and feel great.”

Marsha Londoh is also one of the many satisfied consumers of Beauxlim Lemon Mix Fibre Complex.

The multi-talented artiste has successful­ly stayed slim, and the fibre drink has aided digestion.

“Not only does it add a healthy balance to my diet, its high-fibre content also relieves constipati­on and bloating,” said Londoh.

“My past experience­s with other fibre drinks have not been very good,” she pointed out.

“But Beauxlim Lemon Mix Fibre Complex comes with a refreshing lemon tea taste that I enjoy.”

Beauxlim Lemon Mix Fibre Complex retails at RM56 for a box of 15 sachets.

The drink is available at leading pharmacies. The effects of the product may vary among individual­s.

For details, call Beauxlim Careline at 1300 882 993 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm), log on to or join

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 ??  ?? Yoke Chen (left) and Londoh choose Beauxlim Lemon Mix Fibre Complex to keep their digestion right and body tight.
Yoke Chen (left) and Londoh choose Beauxlim Lemon Mix Fibre Complex to keep their digestion right and body tight.
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