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Attaining your goals


IT seems like New Year was just five minutes ago and now we’re rushing through the year. Doesn’t time fly? If you’re looking back and wondering what happened to your good intentions for the year, check out these tips for making and achieving your goals.

Firm up vague goals

Wishes tend to have daydream elements, like, “I wish I were fitter” or “I wish I were cleverer”. We have the vision, but if you don’t know exactly what fitter or clever is, then how do you know what you’re aiming for? And how will you get there? As such, sit down and figure out exactly what you want.

Aim at something you truly love

If you really don’t want to be fitter, but just think you should be, chances are that you won’t put effort into your journey. In other words, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

It takes enormous effort to change your life, especially if you’re already pushed with work and other responsibi­lities. Therefore, be honest with yourself and set goals that will make your heart go bump-bump-bump. This will provide motivation.

Add failure into the plan

Even when you have a goal you love, and a path to get there, you can expect a couple of setbacks. That’s perfectly okay as long as these don’t push you into giving up.

Be realistic about your game plan Make sure your game plan is also flexible enough so that it can tolerate a couple of steps backwards every now and then. If you’re planning to study, for example, make sure that taking a semester out won’t mean utter failure. Most of all: enjoy yourself.

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