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Guide to a good night’s sleep

Adequate sleep is critical to your physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

- T. Selva

EVERYONE goes to bed at night but how many of us get enough sleep? Adequate sleep is vital for our body, mind and spirit.

According to Vasthu Sastra, the location and direction of our bed can affect our mood, energy, thinking power, health and happiness when we wake up.

At a recent conference on Vasthu Sastra and astrology which I attended in Delhi, India, the topic of adequate sleep was discussed by practition­ers of ancient sciences because sleep is directly related to our health and well-being.

Vasthu experts spoke about the importance of location and sleeping directions, while astrologer­s showed how planets like the moon, Mars, Uranus, Saturn and Neptune can influence our sleep.

In the Indian science of architectu­re, the location where an individual sleeps is important, and this is based on the five elements of fire, water, air, earth and ether.

If you are a hyperactiv­e person and have issues with anger, avoid sleeping in the south-east, which is the fire quadrant. The recommende­d space should be the north-east, north-west, southwest, east, west and south.

Anyone with air-related issues like flatulence, bloating and indigestio­n should avoid sleeping in the air corner in the north-west. He should occupy the south, south-west, south-east, north, south or east.

If you have insomnia and mood problems, stay away from the north-east quadrant. The south, west, north and east quadrants are ideal for you.

The direction you sleep in is important. The wrong direction could lead to a restless night, disturbed sleep, bad dreams, or waking up feeling tired.

Avoid sleeping with your head towards the north and your legs towards the south. Such a position will drain energy from your body. (See graphic) This direction is harmful to health and could lead to nightmares, stress, sleeping disorders and frequent illness.

It is recommende­d that you place your head towards the west, east or south. Placing your head in the sub-directions of north-east, north-west, southwest and south-east are also allowed.

Certain planets also influence our sleep. If you are going through the strong presence of the moon in your astrologic­al chart, you are likely to experience emotional swings and unwanted thoughts when you go to bed.

You may have interrupte­d sleep or sleepless nights if you are under the influence of Uranus.

Those going through the period of Saturn in their birth charts should exercise extra care and practise good sleeping habits or your sleep can be in disarray.

You are highly unlikely to have a blissful night’s sleep if you are under the influence of Neptune. You may wake up with low self-esteem, feeling lethargic and under stress.

The Indian science of longevity called Ayurveda, recommends that we sleep three hours after sunset and wake up two hours before sunrise.

Those who want to enjoy the pleasures of the world should sleep on their left side, while those who sleep on the right side will benefit sensually.

Take an oil bath twice a week to relax your muscles and reduce tension. Drink milk 30 minutes before bedtime and you can be assured of uninterrup­ted sleep. Meditating before sleeping will calm the mind.

Try not to sleep on your back because it does not harmonise the body, mind and spirit. Such a position will promote diseases, reduce your body’s energy level and lead to illnesses. Avoid sleeping on the stomach as it will obstruct your breathing pattern.

Things you should observe before bedtime:

> Switch off your smartphone and all electronic gadgets;

> Do not take your work to bed; > Avoid arguments;

> Avoid alcohol;

> No smoking; > Stay away from caffeinate­d drinks; > Keep away from spicy food;

> Avoid sleeping with your pet dog or cat.

T. Selva is the author of the Vasthu Sastra Guide and the first disciple of 7th-generation Vasthu Sastra master Yuvaraj Sowma from Chennai, India. You can follow him on twitter at @tsel vas and write to him at This column appears on the last Sunday of every month.

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