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Relieving itch without scratching


WITH Sebitar and Pinetarsol, Ego Pharm Malaysia offers headto-toe cleansing products to relieve itch and avoid scratching.

Why do we itch?

Itching is the body’s way of telling us that there is problem with our skin. The itch triggers us to move our hand to the source to scratch away at it. This is the body’s way of attempting to alert us to the damage to our skin from external irritation.

The problem with scratching

The problem with scratching is that it can cause damage to the skin and lead to infection and scarring, resulting in a more complicate­d condition to treat. Scratching will increase inflammati­on. By breaking this itchscratc­h cycle, we are less likely to exacerbate the condition.

Avoid soap

While our first instinct may be to scratch, our next step is to try and clean the affected area. Most people use soap to cleanse, but soap-based products should be avoided as normal alkaline soaps will remove the skin’s natural acid protection against infection and may irritate or exacerbate the condition.

Most soaps also contain fragrance and colour, which can irritate already sensitive skin. When cleansing, especially in the case of itchy skin or scalp, we should replace ordinary soap with a soap alternativ­e such as Sebitar for the scalp and Pinetarsol for the skin.

Sebitar – designed to help with itchy scalp conditions

Sebitar contains pine tar and coal tar solution to provide anti-inflammato­ry and anti-itch relief for scalp conditions such as seborrhoei­c dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema and other scalp conditions.

The mild surfactant­s help prevent excessive drying of the hair and scalp. Sebitar maintains the natural acid protection of the scalp against infection and will not affect permed or tinted hair.

Pinetarsol – relieves red and itchy skin conditions

Pinetarsol is specially formulated with pine tar. Pinetarsol helps to alleviate red and itchy skin caused by many skin conditions including atopic eczema, contact dermatitis, psoriasis, tinea, jock itch, ringworm, chicken pox, nappy rash and hives.

It gently cleanses without irritating inflamed skin like soap can, and it is pH-balanced to maintain the skin’s natural protection.

– Pinetarsol Bath Oil contains light liquid paraffin to help keep the skin moisturise­d.

– Pinetarsol Gel is suitable for red and itchy skin conditions, on the face or other localised areas.

– Pinetarsol Solution is suitable for red and itchy skin conditions that affect large areas of the body.

The next time you feel an itch coming on and are tempted to scratch, reach for Sebitar for the scalp or Pinetarsol for the skin instead. The product is available in all leading pharmacies and hospital pharmacies.

This article is brought to you by Ego Pharm Malaysia Sdn Bhd.

For details, log on to or call 03-7956 8868. KKLIU No.1267/2017

 ??  ?? Ego Pharm Malaysia’s head-to-toe cleansing products can help one to relieve itch and avoid scratching.
Ego Pharm Malaysia’s head-to-toe cleansing products can help one to relieve itch and avoid scratching.

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