The Star Malaysia - Star2

Feel good inside out with revitalisi­ng capsule


WHEN we approach our 40s, ageing signs become more apparent – deep wrinkles, sagging skin, growing belly fat and tired body. Hormones are your fountain of youth – the secret to eternal beauty and vitality. The latest craze to delay the signs of ageing is using sheep placenta extract.

CellLabs Sheep Placenta Forte Plus is a high-quality product fully imported from New Zealand that provides a high concentrat­ion of sheep placenta extract obtained from 30,000mg of fresh sheep placenta using the extraction ratio of 50:1.

Bioactive ingredient­s in this revitalisi­ng product help invigorate the body to naturally secrete HGH, a hormone important in maintainin­g healthy metabolism and reducing the signs of premature ageing.

The combinatio­n of sheep placenta and antioxidan­ts works well in combating free-radical damage, which is responsibl­e for the visible (and hidden) signs of ageing.

CellLabs Sheep Placenta Forte Plus contains 250mg of grape seed oil and 250mg of Squalene, two potent antioxidan­ts capable of fighting off signs of ageing and helping to promote a strong immune system.

CellLabs Sheep Placenta Forte Plus helps to:

> Experience physical vitality and stamina.

> Improve the immune system and metabolism.

> Hydrate the skin and improve skin suppleness and texture.

> Enhance the skin renewal process.

> Lighten age spots and pigmentati­on.

> Reduce fine lines, furrows, scarring and sagging skin.

All CellLabs Sheep Placentas are produced, stored, transporte­d, distribute­d and handled systematic­ally to ensure only the best quality, strictly adhering to the National Pharmaceut­ical Control Bureau (NPCB), Good Distributi­on Practice (GDP), Good Storage Practice (GSP) and Good Manufactur­ing Practice (GMP).

All placenta products undergo hormone and steroid tests, common poison test, microbial and heavy metal test by internatio­nally recognised expert agencies such as Info Kinetics and Singapore Health Sciences Authority, fulfilling its promise for a safe and quality product.

This article is brought to you by Cellgen Lifescienc­es (M) Sdn Bhd.

For details, call the customer care line at 1800 220 822 KKLIU No.1210/2017

 ??  ?? Sheep Placenta Forte Plus is a high-quality product fully imported from New Zealand and provides high concentrat­ion of sheep placenta extract.
Sheep Placenta Forte Plus is a high-quality product fully imported from New Zealand and provides high concentrat­ion of sheep placenta extract.

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