The Star Malaysia - Star2

Put free time to good use


IN some countries, students take a gap year before enrolling at university. This allows them to see a bit of the world and grow up a little before moving on to tertiary education.

In theory, maturing before resuming their studies can help them get more out of their education.

Gap years are not a common practice in Malaysia, but there are principles from the gap year that can be applied to regular holiday time.

Instead of hanging out on the beach or at the mall all the time, why not consider these beneficial gap year activities?


Getting away from your comfort zone can be a wonderful way to explore cultures and circumstan­ces you are not familiar with, for example, working at a refugee shelter.

You can also use the experience to see if a certain career will suit you such as volunteeri­ng at the zoo or animal shelter.

Learn a language

There are short courses available where you can study Japanese, French or any other language just for fun or to make your career options better.

For example, if you think you want to work in South America, learn Spanish. If you want to study medicine overseas, it may be useful to study Russian.

Travel and get a job

Go to the other side of the country, rent a room, and work in your cousin’s coffeeshop or on your aunt’s farm.

It does not matter what you do – simply earning your own money, being independen­t and learning what it is like to have a regular job is an enlighteni­ng experience.

Getting away from home with adults you can trust to keep an eye on you can be fun, too.

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