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Sin City run


“As for contingenc­y plans, I don’t really have any, besides relying on the kindness of strangers ... but it’s got me this far,” he said good-humouredly.

Painkiller­s and isotonics

On his experience at SCMKL, he said: “It was brutal – no sleep the night before, followed by an interview, a warm-up and the start ... it was very humid and I’ve never seen so much sweat before the start of a marathon ... the course was rather undulating too.”

By the 25km mark, his legs were shot.

“I was swallowing painkiller­s, gels, salts, isotonic drinks and whatever else I could get down,” he said, adding that he poured the water over his head to try and cool down his body temperatur­e.

“The last hour was really tough and I was wishing that I had respected the distance more. But I was happy to cross the finish line,” he said.

Some of the countries he has travelled through on his motorbike to get to Kuala Lumpur include England, Holland, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India, Myanmar, and Thailand.

Since SCMKL, he has done more motorbikin­g and running. He has ridden deep into the Australian outback for a second marathon, biked into the South African townships for a third marathon and then rode from England to Berlin for his fourth run, the BMW Berlin Marathon.

In November, he rode across the USA to run a marathon in “Sin City”.

“About Las Vegas. I knew it wouldn’t be the place for me because I struggle with the excess, the gluttony and the gambling but what a place to run a marathon,” he recalled.

“The organisati­on was slick and superb – it’s no mean feat to shut down the entire strip (Las Vegas Boulevard) for thousands of runners but what a memory to run on it past numerous live bands while being cheered on by loads of noisy supporters.”

Out of his system

How does his family feel about it?

“Honestly, they are worried about me ... not because they think I’d fail, but because they’re so used to having me around. I’ve always had a home office, so it’s normal for my kids to see me as ‘part of the furniture’,” he joked.

According to Dukes, his 19-yearold daughter thinks it’s “pretty cool”, and his 15-year-old son didn’t want him to go on his own, while his wife just told him to “get it out of his system”.

“She gave me a book on the day I left England. It’s a travellers’ picture phrase book from 1994, which she had bought me in the early days of our relationsh­ip. Inside, she had written, ‘you’ll need this on your travels’, which goes to show that I’ve been talking about this trip for well over 20 years!” he added.

When asked how he trained to prepare for his big adventure, he admitted that he’d never really focused much on the training aspect.

“I know I’m in poor shape because of tough riding every day, but just making it to the start line for my marathon in KL already makes me feel like a winner,” he said positively.

National happiness

“A lot of people out there would love to go on their own big adventure, but many don’t seem to be able to take that first step to just do it,” he said.

Dukes, who has motorbiked all over the world, from Canada and USA in North America; to Argentina and Chile in South America; to South Africa; and all over Europe, said it’s hard to pick a favourite place.

But Bhutan in the Himalayas is definitely right up there, because of its outstandin­g scenery, fresh air, and cool weather.

“The country also has a GNH (Gross National Happiness) policy, which makes so much more sense than using GDP (Gross National Product) to measure a country’s well-being,” he explained.

After his motorbikin­g to marathon adventure, he hopes to embark on a Cairo to Cape Town bicycle ride. “But shhh ... please don’t tell my wife,” he added with a laugh.

“I enjoy mountainbi­king best because I love escaping into the tracks and trails close to where I live.

“I’m not into road bikes so much, probably because there are too many MAMILs (middle aged men in lycra) on the roads near me!” he added.

 ??  ?? ‘Everywhere you go, people want to meet you and take photos with you,’ said Dukes. In Laos, a local girl takes a wefie with him. — ANDY DUKES
‘Everywhere you go, people want to meet you and take photos with you,’ said Dukes. In Laos, a local girl takes a wefie with him. — ANDY DUKES

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