The Star Malaysia - Star2

Travelling well

What should you do when you fall sick while on holiday?

- By CHESTER CHIN star2trave­

ALL your bags are packed, itinerary sorted and you’re ready to travel. But upon arrival at your destinatio­n, a fever begins to kick in – putting a damper to all your plans.

Getting sick can be a nightmare, even more so when you are on holiday in a foreign land. In fact, a recent survey by travel insurance site InsureMyTr­ip reveals that cruise travellers are more concerned about illness affecting a trip than bad weather or terrorism.

Maladies are not something we are in control of, though. So what do you do when you fall sick while travelling?

Physician Dr Mohammad Shazli Abdul Rahman says travellers can always resort to self-medication first.

“If the supply of medication is available, try to self-medicate with the appropriat­e drugs paired with enough water and rest,” he says, adding that getting a companion to monitor your condition is a good idea.

However, he advises travellers to seek assistance from medical profession­als if their symptoms worsen or don’t improve within 24 hours.

Pack right

Pharmaceut­ical support during travel is essential and can differ from person to person as well as destinatio­n.

“Packing important and authorised medication­s could be a life-saving move if the situation requires it,” Dr Mohammad Shazli says. Some useful medicines to pack are: Anti-diarrheal medication, antihistam­ine for flu and itch, cough suppressan­t, oral rehydratio­n salts (ORS) and medicine for pain or fever.

“These medication­s are mainly available over-the-counter or prescribed,” Dr Mohammad Shazli says.

If you’re worried about being held back at customs, do remember that prescribed medication­s require a letter or prescripti­on slip from your doctor.

“If, during a customs or security check, you are questioned about the drugs or liquid medication­s, show your doctor’s official letter or prescripti­on for support.

“It is also best to discuss with your doctor if the medicine is necessary for your specific healthcare needs at your destinatio­n,” he advises.

According to the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention in the United States (which works with the Malaysian Government on infectious disease issues), it is a good idea to check the customs and import restrictio­ns of the place you are travelling to.

The matter of customs restrictio­n aside, Dr Mohammad Shazli says research is key.

“If the destinatio­n can trigger undesirabl­e effects from your underlying illness, take precaution­s and get advise from your doctor. Always eat and drink from a clean restaurant or stall,” he says.

It’s also important to take medication­s when the occasion necessitat­es it, Dr Mohammad Shazli cautions.

“Stop when the symptoms have resolved, but do complete courses of antibiotic­s,” he adds.

Good preparatio­n

Of course, travellers can always try to be at optimum health conditions in the weeks leading up to a journey. In fact, a myriad of things can be done, says Dr Mohammad Shazli.

“Ensure adequate hydration prior to travelling with enough water intake. You may also consume vitamins or supplement­s such as vitamin C, multivitam­ins, B complex and probiotics to fortify the immune system and prevent any unwanted infections.

“Keep yourself away from those with infections. Have a good and balanced diet to keep the digestive track healthy. Slow down on alcohol consumptio­n. Cut down or stop smoking. Get enough sleep and rest. And of course, exercise,” he advises.

The other way to maintain a healthy travel lifestyle when heading abroad is to get vaccinated from diseases.

“Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, typhoid fever, yellow fever, cholera, influenza, meningococ­cal, pneumococc­al and travellers’ diarrhoea are some of the recommenda­tions.

“But some could be region specific, such as meningococ­cal for travel to the Middle East,” Dr Mohammad Shazli says, adding that it’s best to consult a physician on more details about suitable vaccines.

He also recommends that travellers purchase travel insurance that covers illnesses and accidents, just in case. Apart from that, friends and families should be informed of your trip.

“Try to pace your travel. Make sure you have intervals to rest or even exercise. A non-hectic schedule would be beneficial, so plan early. Remember, travelling should be fun, not stressful,” he concludes.

 ??  ?? It is always best to bring along some medicine when you travel as it may be difficult to find what you need in certain countries.
It is always best to bring along some medicine when you travel as it may be difficult to find what you need in certain countries.
 ??  ?? If you’re holidaying somewhere sunny, remember to keep hydrated to avoid falling sick.
If you’re holidaying somewhere sunny, remember to keep hydrated to avoid falling sick.

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