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A workaholic, and loving it


THE CAMBRIDGE Dictionary defines workaholic as a person who works a lot of the time and finds it difficult not to work.

You know you are a workaholic when your mum “threatens” to bring over your comforter, bolster and pillow to your office – and I, for one, have gotten such threats too many times.

One may ask, what’s the level of severity of my being a workaholic?

Well, I only get to see the moon when I start work and when I call it a day. Occasional­ly, I forget to have lunch because I am too engrossed in my work.

And on occasions, I go back to the office on Saturday to finish my work.

But, I must also say that being a workaholic is not all bad. I count it a blessing, seen from a different angle.

Being a workaholic, I know I am blessed with many “angels” who take care of my personal needs while I immerse myself in my work. I do not have to worry about renewing my driver’s license or road tax, or getting my car fixed because someone else will handle this for me. And that someone is usually none other than Mum. I am almost free of worry about my personal matters as I focus on my customers’ needs.

Being a workaholic, I am killing two birds with one stone. I hop into the car with my niece every weekday morning to her school and, halfway, I would be dropped off at my office at 6.45am. I don’t have to waste time waiting for the train and, at the same time, the drop-off point is nearer my office than the train station. For a lazy person, this is just too good to be true but, well, it is true. What a blessing it is, for me. It could not get better than this.

Being a workaholic, I feel so much love and concern from my friends, colleagues and family. I get a lot of those remember-to-have-lunch and you-got-to-take-care-of-yourhealth messages. It makes me feel so loved.

When I receive text messages from someone asking me if I need them to pack lunch for me, I am assured that someone is definitely looking out for me. I feel blessed when I have someone texting to tell me to go home after a crazy day at work. At least someone remembers me.

Well, I am probably finding excuses for being a workaholic but I’m lovin’ it.

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