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This Week In History


May 6, 2016

Kim Jong-un was elevated to party chairman at North Korea’s first party congress in 36 years, vowing to expand his nuclear arsenal despite UN sanctions

1733: Englishman Bob Whittaker beat Italian Tito de Carni in the first ever internatio­nal boxing match 1998: Astronomer­s reported a huge explosion that took place at the edge of the universe 12 billion years ago

2013: Three women abducted a decade earlier were rescued from a house in Cleveland, Ohio 2017: In Nigeria Boko Haram released 82 of the 276 Chibok schoolgirl­s kidnapped in 2014 May 7, 2017 Emmanuel Macron won a landslide victory in the second round of France’s presidenti­al election, becoming the youngest French leader since Napoleon

1823: Beethoven conducted the first performanc­e of his Ninth Symphony, despite his deafness 1888: George Eastman unveiled his easy-to-use box camera, the Kodak

1973: Washington Post reporters Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward won the Pulitzer Prize for their work in exposing the Watergate scandal 1988: The first gathering of people who claimed to have been abducted by aliens was hosted in Boston, US

May 8, 1978

Reinhold Messner and Peter Habeler became the first climbers to scale Mount Everest without using supplement­ary oxygen equipment

1973: The siege of Wounded Knee ended peacefully as Native Americans surrendere­d after almost 10 weeks 2003: The WHO reported that SARS had been found in 31 countries, with new cases in Taiwan and Russia

2008: Myanmar authoritie­s refused to allow in a delivery of vital food aid following Cyclone Nargis 2008: Ping-pong diplomacy returned when China’s President Hu Jintao played table tennis on a visit to Japan

May 9, 1988

Australia’s new Parliament House was inaugurate­d at a ceremony in Canberra attended by Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Minister Bob Hawke

1998: Transexual singer Dana Internatio­nal scored Israel’s first ever win in the Eurovision Song Contest 2001: The diary of Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space, was sold in New York for US$170,000 2015: The World Health Organizati­on declared Liberia Ebola-free, after 42 days with no new cases recorded 2017: President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, who was investigat­ing Trump’s election campaign

May 10, 1908

The first Mother’s Day was observed in the US state of West Virginia. Social reformer Anna Jarvis created the holiday on the anniversar­y of her mother’s death

1933: Nazis gathered in Berlin to burn “un-German” books by Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud and others 1968: The French government bowed to student demands after the worst street fighting since WWII

1975: Sony introduced the Betamax video recorder. It was outperform­ed by VHS and both later gave way to DVDs 2017: Moon Jae-in was elected president of South Korea after the impeachmen­t of Park Geun-hye

May 11, 868

The earliest complete example of a dated printed book, an influentia­l Buddhist text known as the Diamond Sutra, was published in China

1956: Elvis Presley first entered the UK charts with Heartbreak Hotel 1981: Jamaican singersong­writer Bob Marley, who popularise­d reggae around the world, died of cancer at the age of 36

1997: World chess champion Gary Kasparov was beaten by IBM’s Deep Blue computer 2010: Morocco closed 10 airports as Iceland’s erupting volcano continued to disrupt air travel

May 12, 2008

A powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake hit the Chinese province of Sichuan, killing around 87,000 people and leaving five million homeless 1588: The people of France forced Henri III to flee Paris on the “Day of the Barricades” 1885: The linotype machine was patented, replacing hand-set metal letters with entire lines of lead type

2004: The discovery of the Library of Alexandria, thought to be the world’s oldest university, was announced 2016: Brazil’s Senate voted to begin impeachmen­t proceeding­s against President Dilma Rousseff

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Picture: Getty Images
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Picture: Associated Press
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Picture: Newscom
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Picture: Getty Images

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