The Star Malaysia - Star2

Healthy activities


INSTeAd of planning some longterm strategies, get out now and do something that’s good for your body – and your soul!

Cook at home

If you buy food, you’re more likely to eat food that are high in salt and fat. Also, if you cook at home, it becomes a social activity where you find out what everyone has been up to during the day. Connecting with the people you love will boost your happiness and eating home-made dishes will be better for your waistline.

Go where the dogs hang out dog walking keeps you fit and healthy, but surprising­ly, just hanging out in dog friendly areas can make you healthier and happier. A longitudin­al study in Calgary, Canada, found that while dog owners benefited most from walking their pets, people who hang out at cafes, shops, and parks with dog-friendly attributes are also encouraged to exercise more.

Start colouring

You can buy an adult colouring book or download something from the Net, but the main thing about this children’s activity is that it calms the mind, relaxes the body and allows you to indulge in a simple creative activity that will help you connect to the beauty of the world around you. If pencils aren’t your thing, go for paint-by-number kits.

Embroider, knit or crochet In old books, female detectives often do their best thinking when crafting and scientific studies tend to back up the thought. It seems that when our hands are busy with something repetitive and creative, the mind works better.

It’s also calming which is why handicraft­s like these are taught as part of anger management systems. If you’re not dexterous, try gardening.

 ??  ?? Colouring calms the mind and relaxes the body.
Colouring calms the mind and relaxes the body.

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