The Star Malaysia - Star2

Creating happy memories


DO you look back over the last few weeks or months and wonder where the time has gone?

If your days are taken up by work, work and more work, get out of the rut and start making some good memories.

Take a trip down memory lane Dig out your old photograph­s and have a good giggle over that wacky hairstyle that was all the rage or remember that amazing birthday party where everyone connected and had a blast. If you are a tidy person, update your photo albums with your latest shots. See friends

Quite often it’s the people who live closest to us that we haven’t seen for a while. Make a list of people you haven’t seen in months or years (the photos should help you here) and see if you can get groups together for lunch or dinner. Or if it’s been a really long time and you’re not sure if you’ve grown apart, look to a series of happy weekend breakfasts.

Have a family party

When’s the last time you got together with your family and had a wild time? Throw a casual BBQ with everyone in shorts and T-shirts or opt for a fancy sit-down dinner or tent with catering – do whatever suits your mood and cooking style. Hire a photograph­er so you can record the event.

Go on a road trip

Pack a suitcase, buy a GPS or a great road map and go for a tour. Pick a state you don’t know well and spend a week exploring. Or drive from one tourist attraction to another. Collect pictures, post cards, entry tickets and make a huge holiday album that chronicles the adventure so you can look at it a year from now and relive it.

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