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Top chef doesn’t want to go back into the kitchen


FERRAN Adria – “the most influentia­l chef in the world” – is a man on a mission.

Just not one that involves him having to run a restaurant.

The Catalan – whose elBulli restaurant was named the best on the planet a record five times – is out to prove that the wildly experiment­al dishes he pioneered there still cut the mustard.

In the seven years since he unexpected­ly shut the legendary Costa Brava restaurant, with 3,000 people still on the waiting list for a table, simpler more earthy cooking has come into vogue.

But the father of molecular cuisine, who brought the world the idea of “mandarin air”, eating smoke, caramelise­d quails, trout egg tempura and any number of foams and emulsions, says that he has not stood still.

“I have not stopped working” nor experiment­ing, he says, since he shuttered elBulli, which held the maximum three Michelin stars.

Back then Adria admitted that he was feeling a little jaded.

But as he explains in a new 15-part documentar­y series about his incredible rise from dishwasher to culinary superstar, elBulli – Story Of A Dream, which airs on Amazon Prime, he has well and truly got his mojo back.

It is just that he doesn’t want to go back to cooking at the stove day and night.

“It makes no sense for me to open a restaurant,” he says. “Why would I do that?”

“Almost all the greatest chefs in the world – with a few exceptions – no longer actually cook. They taste, direct and conceive,” he says.

Adria has, however, helped his brother Albert to open six establishm­ents in Barcelona, of which one, Enigma, he describes as a “baby elBulli”. It came 95th in the latest 50 Best world restaurant­s list.

Instead, he teaches at Harvard university, gives advice, and runs the elBulli foundation, funded by €12mil (RM64.11mil) of private capital from the Spanish giants Telefonica and CaixaBank and the Italian coffee company Lavazza.

A natural enthusiast every bit as whimsical and surprising in the flesh as his cooking, Adria is more concerned about bringing on the next generation of master chefs.

He had a big hand in forming the trio of talents who have replaced him at the top of the global gastronomi­c tree: fellow Catalan Joan Roca (of El Celler de Can Roca in Girona), Italian Massimo Bottura (of Osteria Francescan­a in Modena) and the Dane Rene Redzepi of Noma fame.

“I’d say 95% of the restaurant­s I have helped have been successful,” he adds, acknowledg­ing that he has worked with the Spanish chef Jose Andres of the Minibar in Washington DC, which has two Michelin stars.

Adria – who is still only 56 – is also working on a gastronomi­c innovation centre on the site of the old elBulli at Cala Montjoi, which is due to open five years behind schedule next year.

Rather than a molecular cuisine, he prefers to call his cooking “techno-emotional”.

“They say that I am out of fashion, that no one makes ‘espumas’ anymore (his light-as-air mousses). But thousands of restaurant­s across the world now use siphons,” says the “alchemist” that The Guardian newspaper once called “the most imaginativ­e generator of haute cuisine on the planet”.

He says his mission at elBulli’s was to discover “the limits of the gastronomi­c experience”. In 17 years there he created 1,846 recipes, including a “crispy liquid”, a mousse of white beans and sea urchins, and powdered foie gras.

Adria says he hopes the new Amazon series – based on a previous television series about his work – will help demolish some of the myths about elBulli, which sparked controvers­y because of its use of chemical additives.

“Salt is a lot worse for the health than any stabiliser,” he hits back.

Another of his new passions is a project he calls his “Bullipedia”, an enormous gastronomi­c encyclopae­dia for which the autodidact has plunged himself into, studying 400 years of French cuisine.

“It is one of my big sources of inspiratio­n”, at the moment, with Chinese, Mexican, Peruvian and Japanese cooking.

While the British and American press like to see Adria as a symbol of the new hegemony of Spanish haute cuisine over the French, he says he is a “child of French nouvelle cuisine”, citing Michel Guerard, the Troisgros clan, Paul Bocuse and Alain Chapel as his main influences. – AFP Relaxnews

 ??  ?? Ferran is the father of molecular cuisine.
Ferran is the father of molecular cuisine.

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