The Star Malaysia - Star2

Like a breath of fresh air


INNOVATION – be it in medicine, teaching, sports or any other field – is a welcome breath of fresh air. It brings about a change, out of the blue, for the betterment of the people.

Sometimes it is that something extra that is executed out of the norm, which is the determinin­g factor for our wellbeing.

Dr Patch Adams was one who went against the norm of a medical practition­er, to serve humanity through medicine, in an unorthodox manner. He believed in making healthcare a more humane and fun interactio­n.

Being a physician, he dressed in psychedeli­c outfits, donned sneakers and sported fanciful earrings. Behind the seeming eccentrics, however, lay a wealth of compassion and wisdom. His life revolved around cheering up his patients. Dances, home-spun plays and humour were integral in changing the situations of illness and suffering.

But it was more than just comic relief that he imparted; he drove home the message of the importance of love and affection, as that was the most important thing in life for the patients.

Within my own circle, the closest that I can think of to Dr Patch Adams, is a close relative of mine, also a physician by profession, who is in his late 60s now.

Throughout his medical practice, he was in government service as he believed that it was the place where he could offer his services to the fullest to society.

He was like a family doctor to all his relatives. At any time of the day, he would answer calls made by them, in a cool, calm and soothing voice, never ever raising his tone. Laughter was a trademark of his.

Having the patience to listen to their ailments and advise them in a warm and comforting voice made them feel better.

The show of gratitude, appreciati­on and respect towards him was evident when he hosted a wedding reception on his daughter’s behalf recently.

The medical field is a no-nonsense one that involves lives. So, it’s only human that housemen are treated in a more humane way during their training stint. They should be advised and guided in a tactful and profession­al manner, and not to the contrary.

These doctors have slogged for five or six years to obtain a medical degree. There is no excuse if they are plain lazy, irresponsi­ble or carry an attitude problem. On the contrary, it would do a world of good if the housemen, who are committed and dedicated, are approached in a more dignified and honourable manner, for only a mind at peace would render the best to mankind.

In the education field, trainee teachers and newly posted teachers are approached in a profession­al and diplomatic manner, with due respect given to them. They are given all the moral support and confidence as they embark on their journey as teachers so that they would be on a firm footing to face life as a teacher for many years to come.

Innovative teachers are an asset to the school as they introduce new ideas, and original and creative thinking. The students too will learn to think out of the box in their outlook on life.

In the sports field, too, innovation can bring about remarkable changes. Take, for example, the high jump discipline. In the earlier days, athletes would perform the convention­al straddle technique or western roll. The Fosbury Flop was unheard of then. It took one Dick Fosbury to come up with the innovative backwards flip to get over the high jump bar. The rest is history, as we know that many a high jumper has soared to greater heights by performing the Fosbury Flop.

In a world faced with trepidatio­n, surprises and challenges, it is imperative that innovation is the key for survival-cum-success.

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