The Star Malaysia - Star2

Addressing topical issues


IN the wake of the tragic deaths of Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade earlier this year, an even brighter media spotlight has shone on mental health issues, particular­ly depression and suicide – which gives even more resonance to Jessica Biel’s mother with ambiguous, violent tendencies, in The Sinner.

Biel (pic) was nominated for an Emmy for Lead Actress In A Limited Series for her role as Cora – a complex character who is not only entertaini­ng to play, she says, but has given her a vehicle to address some pretty weighty and topical issues.

Does The Sinner, and your character Cora in particular, feel especially timely now, in how it addresses issues of mental health? More so than last year, even?

I absolutely think it does. It felt topical to me at the time (we shot it).

And with everything that we’re battling culturally right now, everything in the news about mental health issues, it reminds me – and our whole creative team – that this was really an incredibly perfect moment to step forward and talk about these challengin­g things that many of us are experienci­ng and which is taboo to talk about. Or we feel it is taboo.

That’s why certain people don’t get help. So it feels important to shine a light on it and wrap our arms around it as a culture.

Is there a place to address issues regarding the #MeToo movement in your work, given you play such a strong female character, or do you prefer TV as escapism?

My gut feeling is that this movement, the #MeToo movement, is so much bigger than us and our industry.

It kind of crosses a lot of borders and is seeping in everywhere – which is a good thing. And we can’t help, as human beings and women, taking things that happened in our lives and finding connection­s through traumas we’ve experience­d, and that our families and friends have experience­d.

And feel naturally inclined to put that into our work. As artists and creatives, those experience­s, to work through that psychologi­cally, is part of what we do.

On a lighter note, if you had to pick a different series to be on right now, what would it be?

The kid thing really throws a wrench in my TV plans. But I do have time to watch TV.

I’m a huge Game Of Thrones fan. I love The Handmaid’s Tale and Fleabag. It’s so great.

I’m rewatching Sopranos – I never got all the way through it – and I’d love to be on that show. It’s just a great time for TV right now. – Los Angeles Times/ Tribune News Service

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Photo: AP

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