The Star Malaysia - Star2

Planting a school garden

- By Sheela

IN an effort to promote environmen­tal awareness among students, SK Assunta 2 in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, carried out its 1 Student, 1 Tree tree planting campaign last Saturday.

Over 70 students participat­ed in the event, held in the school premises. They planted 100 plants – herbs, flowering scrubs, fruit plants and vegetables – sponsored by Tata Consultanc­y Services (TCS).

Together with TCS employees, the students got their hands dirty as they dug up soil, planted and watered the plants.

Student Erin Sonia Colin enjoyed the event, especially planting brinjal seedlings and lemongrass with her school friends.

“It was so easy to dig the soil using the garden shovel. We learnt the importance of water, fertiliser and sunshine for the plants to grow healthily. We cannot wait to harvest the fruits and vegetables,” says the Year Three student.

Head of student affairs Kumutha Yahambaram says the objective of the campaign was to educate children on the importance of caring for Mother Earth.

“It is important for children to understand their role in green and sustainabl­e living. We chose to have a mix of plants and flowering shrubs to enable students to learn about different plant species. Students are encouraged to care for the plants by watering it each day,” says Kumutha.

Students were also taught how to compost food waste in a barrel with grass clippings and yard waste from the school compound.

“The compost is used as plant fertiliser. Children learn ways to reduce greenhouse gases,” adds Kumutha.


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