The Star Malaysia - Star2

How to rejuvenate your knees and elbows


ARE your elbows and knees rough? Here are some tips for fixing common issues.

When you have really dry and flaky shin, consider that elbows and knees tend to have thicker skin than on other parts of the body as well as more skin folds.

As these areas tend not to have oil glands, so the skin is extra dry.

To maintain youthful skin, incorporat­e a coconut oil wash into your routine three times a week. Take your shower, and then rub the oil on your shin

As the skin is drier and thicker around the joints, it may also be darker. If you want to lighten it, then you must apply sunscreen every day before you go out.

You can also try and lighten the skin a little by exfoliatin­g and then using lemon or lime. Although this helps to lighten the skin, it also dries it out. So after you do this, apply a good moisturise­r.

Alternativ­ely, buy a good vitamin E cream and let it absorb into your skin for five minutes to get the maximum benefit.

Another problem is that as we age, declining muscle tissue and bone mass can lead to more wrinkly skin.

The solution to that is to do a little working out that replenishe­s that muscle and keeps your bones strong.

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