The Star Malaysia - Star2

Cut down on sweet stuff and fried food


PROCESSED food is easy and fast but it’s often blended with extra fat, salt and sugar. These ingredient­s make it taste great but too much leads to health problems such as obesity, diabetes and tooth decay. Here are some easy swaps that will improve your diet and general health. Make an effort at first to apply them and once they become a habit. You’ll feel better for it.

Instead of chocolate chip cookies with your morning coffee, mash a banana into fresh yoghurt. The twist? Place in the freezer and stir with a fork when half frozen for a delicious treat. You’ll be replacing sugar and fat with vitamins and fibre and cutting roughly three quarters of the calories.

Swap out fried noodles and fried rice for breakfast for oats and fresh fruit. You’ll be replacing fat and salt with super healthy fibre and zillions of vitamins.

Instead of packaged iced tea that’s loaded with sugar with lunch, go for fresh green tea that has none. Alternativ­ely, make your own iced tea so you can control the sugar. don’t use liquid sugar – it’s too easy to overdo it.

For a simple treat, wash grapes, dry them, put them in a plastic bag and freeze them. eat them instead of boiled or packaged sweets. The fruit’s just as sweet but typically contains less then a quarter of the calories and has vitamin C too.

For dinner, exchange white rice with brown rice. The brown rice is unprocesse­d so it takes your body longer to digest, making you feel satisfied longer. And an extra bonus is that it has roughly half the calories.

 ??  ?? For a healthier treat, eat grapes instead of sweets.
For a healthier treat, eat grapes instead of sweets.

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