The Star Malaysia - Star2

Take good care of your liver


FATTY liver is now believed to be the most common form of liver disease worldwide, which occurs when fat exceeds 5% to 10% of the liver weight.

The extra fat gives rise to free radicals and oxidants, which damage molecules and cells in the liver, preventing cells from being able to metabolise fat. When too much of fat builds up in the liver, its cells begin to die.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one type of fatty liver for those who have never consumed alcohol or does not have excessive alcohol use.

There are two stages of NAFLD – the early stage is known as non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFL), while the more chronic form is known as non-alcoholic steatohepa­titis (NASH).

Gradually, it may lead to cirrhosis, which is irreversib­le damage to the liver and the most severe stage of NAFLD.

Liver cancer or liver failure may result, with some people even needing a transplant.

Fatty liver is often related to obesity, high cholestero­l, high blood pressure and diabetes and is an emerging threat in Malaysia, especially among the overweight and obese population.

According to recent findings, Malaysia has the highest obesity rate in Asia and over 70% people with NASH are obese. It is also reported that up to 75% of people with NASH have Type 2 diabetes, due to fat accumulati­on in the liver that has been linked to insulin resistance.

Most people don't even know they have fatty liver until they go for a medical check-up. Because fatty liver is so prevalent yet asymptomat­ic, it is wise to take precaution­s.

In the early stages, fatty liver disease can be improved and reversed by reducing or eliminatin­g fatty foods and foods high in sugar.

To help prevent, slow down or reverse the build-up of liver fat and liver damage, your diet should include a nutrient called Phosphatid­ylcholine, which is commonly found in food like eggs, soybeans and health supplement­s.

Phosphatid­ylcholine protects the health of your liver in several ways. It is a major component of cell membranes and plays an important role in maintainin­g the normal structure and optimal function of cells.

It is also essential for cell growth and developmen­t. Phosphatid­ylcholine reduces and slows damage to cell membranes caused by free radicals and oxidants while stabilisin­g the cell membranes.

In addition, it has protective effects in non-alcoholic liver disorder, including protection against various other toxic substances.

Studies have shown quicker recoveries and normalisat­ion of liver function tests with fewer relapses compared to those unsuppleme­nted with phosphatid­ylcholine.

The liver also needs vitamin Bs and vitamin E to help prevent fatty liver. Vitamin Bs help cells metabolise and turn carbohydra­tes, proteins and fats into energy.

They help break down fats, playing a role in preventing the buildup of fat that leads to fatty liver disease. By promoting decongesti­on of the liver, vitamin Bs help it function better.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidan­t that helps reduce oxidative stress to the liver caused by free radicals and oxidants.

Antioxidan­ts work synergisti­cally and vitamin E supports the body's antioxidan­t system to neutralise free radicals and oxidants to prevent them from causing damage.

Deficiency of vitamin E in the blood occurs in people with fatty liver disease due to increased oxidation, so they need more vitamin E.

Don't be another statistic – protect your liver by living a healthy lifestyle and taking a health supplement containing Phosphatid­ylcholine, vitamin Bs and vitamin E.

This article is brought to you by Seven Seas Limited, a Merck company in health supplement­s worldwide.

■ For more informatio­n, contact 03-7494 3688.

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