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(Jan 21 - Feb 18) Best Day: Wednesday

It’s a powerhouse week. The catch? A total change of course may be required. Sure, there’ll be some difficult moments, but with a huge upside. If, until now, you’ve felt that all your efforts have been unapprecia­ted, the tables start to turn. You finally receive recognitio­n. But if you want something done, do it yourself. For now, it’s best to fly solo.


(Feb 19 - March 20) Best Day: Tuesday

No prizes for discoverin­g that you don’t think or feel the same way others do. Most are used to this, so they should know better than to force your hand. Especially now, when despite a backward-moving Mercury you’re more inspired than ever. It’s a good thing your energy levels are in for a top-up this week. Go on, Pisces – live the dream.


(March 21 - April 20) Best Day: Saturday

A friend or family member confronts you with a hard luck story, but it’s nothing you haven’t heard before. This week, determinat­ion comes into play as you simply refuse to be seen as an endless source of funding. Gently suggest that they stand on their own financial feet. You’ll be amazed at what such tough love can do.


(April 21 - May 20) Best Day: Sunday

With Mercury at a standstill until early December, projects may be hampered. Someone’s timing is off; or you feel that others are stifling your freedom or deliberate­ly delaying your progress. Nonetheles­s, you can still maintain focus. For now, short term projects are more likely to attract. If anything drags on too long, expect frustratio­n.


(May 21 - June 21) Best Day: Monday

Mercury retrograde is asking you to slow down, which is probably welcome news. If you can’t come to a complete halt, try to go with the flow; you may be surprised by who’s strolling along beside you. Life may be quieter than usual, but in no way are you robbed of your magnetism. It may not be an instant love, but deep friendship.


(June 22 - July 22) Best Day: Friday

If you haven’t already made changes, this week twists your arm to do so. Watch for an opportunit­y to stretch your imaginatio­n. Turn your dreams into what’s truly achievable and they’ll move closer to reality. But work matters won’t consume all of your time. The cosmos also keeps love relationsh­ips strong – a deep and intense fascinatio­n seems likely.


(July 23 - Aug 23) Best Day: Tuesday

Should it suddenly seem like the fates have it out for you, that’s not so, it’s just that Mercury’s misbehavin­g. This retrograde planet is playing pranks, but after Dec 2 all upended plans, tangles and scrapes should manage to right themselves. In the meantime, take lots of slow, deep breaths and postpone important plans.


(Aug 24 - Sept 22) Best Day: Wednesday

This week, double check dates, times and emails. A stalled Mercury causes havoc until Dec 2. Use this time to go through old files, tidy up correspond­ence, complete projects and tend to unfinished business. Computers, phones, cars or other electronic objects may experience slow-downs or unexpected failures.


(Sept 23 - Oct 23) Best Day: Saturday

In this delightful week, a special magnetism enables you to win people over. You could also turn the tables on the past. Though this doesn’t guarantee regaining something that was lost, something equally valuable may make up for it. There’s a possibilit­y that others bring wealth, gifts or lucrative opportunit­ies to your door.


(Oct 24 - Nov 22) Best Day: Friday

Scorpios are a law unto themselves. So when this week offers something different, you’re keen to give it a go. Other people’s schemes, no matter how tempting, are ignored as you become more determined than ever to follow your own path. But take some time to relax too. Pace yourself. A little rest does wonders for stamina.


(Nov 23 - Dec 21) Best Day: Monday

Pay outstandin­g bills, reorganise your cupboards and rid yourself of emotional baggage. Slow moving Mercury is prompting you to tie up any loose ends, sooner rather than later. In the same way, it’s not a great week for new ventures. To stay in the planetary flow, delay starting anything new until early next month.


(Dec 22 - Jan 20) Best Day: Thursday

Devote more time to you, Capricorn. It’s a busy week at work, but remember to look after yourself as well. Whatever happens, you have little trouble winning over a new audience. Being in the right place and making the right contacts works in your favour, but if the pressure gets you down, consider a change. Out with the old, in with the new.

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