The Star Malaysia - Star2

For wellness and better overall health


WHEN you hear the phrase, “Woman’s best friend” you may think of diamonds and don’t get this wrong, who wouldn’t want diamonds? We all do, but sometimes with a hectic, busy schedule not only at the workplace but also in managing a household, not even the best diamonds make women feel good during that the time of the month when cramps and discomfort knock on the door.

A woman’s best friend may not be as shiny as diamonds, but it is beautifull­y golden yellow in colour and effective to make her feel special. This refers to Evening Primrose Oil, an essential Omega-6 fatty acid, which contains linoleic acid (LA) and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). Specifical­ly, our body cannot manufactur­e GLA, which must be supplement­ed from diet or supplement.

Evening Primrose Oil benefits our health in many ways. It helps stabilise hormonal imbalances, especially premenstru­al syndrome (PMS), regulate inflammati­on, pain, blood pressure and restore skin moisture.

Natural antioxidan­t

Every day, we are confronted with excessive free radical produced from UV exposure, pollution, stress, an unhealthy lifestyle and more. Therefore, we need to make sure our body has

EPO and vitamin E works synergisti­cally in promoting overall women’s wellness.

sufficient amounts of antioxidan­ts to neutralise the harmful effect of free radicals.

Vitamin E is an antioxidan­t, which may help protect your cells from damage. It is a fat-soluble essential nutrient that occurs naturally in food and dietary supplement­s.

It prevents the damage of oxidative stress, which can result in premature ageing. Apart from its antioxidan­t properties, vitamin E also helps moisturise the skin and even more importantl­y, contains powerful antiinflam­matory action, thereby keeping the skin in good condition.

EPO and vitamin E works synergisti­cally in promoting overall women’s wellness. There are no more monthly cramps and discomfort when your body’s GLA supply is sufficient.


– Stonemetz, D. (2008). A review of the clinical efficacy of evening primrose. Holistic nursing practice, 22(3), 171-174.

– Flider, F. J. (2005). GLA: uses and new sources. Inform, 16(5), 279-82.

– McArdle, F., Rhodes, L. E., Parslew, R. A., Close, G. L., Jack, C. I., Friedmann, P. S., & Jackson, M. J. (2004). Effects of oral vitamin E and beta-carotene supplement­ation on ultraviole­t radiation-induced oxidative stress in human skin. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 80(5), 1270-1275.

 ??  ?? With all its proven benefits, Evening Primrose Oil can be regarded as every woman’s best friend.
With all its proven benefits, Evening Primrose Oil can be regarded as every woman’s best friend.

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