The Star Malaysia - Star2



Serves 8 to 10

2kg boneless lamb leg salt and pepper to taste 4 garlic cloves

1/2 bunch parsley

1/4 bunch rosemary 1/4 bunch thyme 4 anchovy fillets 100g pine nuts

100g old bread

100g green olives, chopped

1 lemon, juiced and zested olive oil

2 carrots

2 celery sticks

2 onions

1 bottle red wine 1 tbsp flour

1 litre chicken stock

Open out (butterfly) the lamb leg and flatten it, season with salt and pepper.

For the stuffing, blend garlic cloves with the green herbs and anchovies, transfer to a bowl. Blend the pine nuts and bread coarsely and add to the mixture. Add the chopped olives, lemon zest, juice, a dash of olive oil and season with salt and pepper.

Preheat oven to 200°C. Spread the stuffing mixture on the lamb, roll and tie with butcher string. Roughly chop the carrots, celery and onions and put in a baking tray. Place the lamb on top.

Roast for about 75 minutes. Pour a glass of red wine over the lamb every 20 minutes. Once the lamb is cooked, transfer it to a platter to rest. Finish the gravy.

Over medium heat, add flour to the roasting pan (with all the juices), stir for 5 minutes and add remaining wine. Cook out the alchohol. Add the chicken stock, reduce for about 10 minutes, strain and season with salt and pepper. Serve with assorted roasted vegetables.

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