The Star Malaysia - Star2

The slow escape


STALE and stagnant air sinks into my nostrils. Inky blackness swarms around me. Silence hangs like a thick blanket that subdues everything. That is when I realised my eyes are shut.

I open them, and all my other senses rush back to life.

The musty air is still there. Dim lights flicker in a dark, empty hallway. The taste of dust rests on my cracked, dry tongue.

The sound of chains hitting against each other reverberat­es through the long corridor that doesn’t seem to end.

I catch a glimpse of a faint, golden light dancing far away in the murky depths of the hallway.

I move forward just to feel cold, iron chains dig into my wrist. I pulled at them, wanting ever so badly to leave this unknown place.

Panic seizes me and I yank again.

The binds snap suddenly, perhaps extremely frail from age.

With only one goal in mind, I free myself from the weight of the heavy chains.

Without the strings of metal holding me up, I collapse onto the sooty floor. I lay there for a few moments and test my arms to see if I can at least crawl.

After regaining some strength, I begin to crawl in excruciati­ng slowness.

Right-left-pull-right-left ... the same pattern that stretches so long. After dragging minutes of gradual inching, strength starts to seep back into my system.

Soon enough, I manage to pull myself upright.

At first stumbling and falling, I quickly gain my full capability and start running. The light doesn’t seem so far away now.

It’s an open door with light streaming out of it! It is just a few metres away.

I scramble furiously and push my tired legs even harder. When I finally reach the door, I burst into warm rays of the morning sun.

I sit up abruptly. A crisp wind swoops in from the ajar window. Winter has arrived. – By Hazel Lim, 12

Write away!

We welcome original contributi­ons (of not more than 600 words) from children aged 12 and below. The topic can be on anything you fancy.

Please include your full name, age, gender, address and phone number. E-mail your stories to

We have a treat (worth RM92.70), sponsored by Nandos Malaysia, for the writer who sends in the best short story contributi­on in December.

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