The Star Malaysia - Star2

Exercise helps to improve quality of life


WITH the big emphasis on youth in the pop media, one would think the desire to be younger is mostly about looks. But those over 50 know the truth: bodies change after half a century of living in ways that make life less comfortabl­e.

Here’s a simple exercise that will restore enough balance to make putting on a pair of pants a lot easier. Stand beside a dresser or table and lift one foot as high as the knee on the other leg.

If you wobble and need support, touch the dresser or table. Slightly bend the knee and ankle of the standing leg so it’s relaxed, not stiff.

Time how many seconds you can stand on one foot without support. Next, do the same on your other foot. Do this exercise daily, until you can stand one-legged, stable and balanced, on each foot for at least 30 seconds. You’ll definitely notice how much more sure-footed it makes you.

Another quality-of-life issue for boomers is flexibilit­y. When you stop being as active, your tissues contract and get stiff. You can’t reach as far or bend as easily.

Here’s an exercise that will give your hips and lower back more range of motion.

Sit on a chair and put one ankle across the thigh of the other leg.

Gently press down on the knee of the crossed leg, while turning the torso from side to side. You should feel the stretch in your back, groin and thigh. Continue for one minute, then switch legs.

To prevent stiff shoulders, work on loosening up your shoulders and upper back by stretching the muscles used in a reaching motion.

Stretch one arm first, then the other, up to an overhead shelf. Support your lower arm on the shelf, then turn your thumb as far to the right as possible, then as far to the left as possible. This works the rotator cuffs and tendons in the shoulder and upper arm.

Put your hands at your side and reach behind until you feel the stretch in the back of your upper arm.

Next, put your hands on your chest and lift your bent elbows high, holding that position for 30 to 60 seconds.

Do these exercises daily, twice a day if you can and you’ll notice a subtle but distinct improvemen­t – a “younger” quality of life. — Tribune News Service

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