The Star Malaysia - Star2

Nails are a reflection of how healthy you are


THE next time you go for a manicure, take a good look at your nails before you put on the polish.

Nails don’t seem like much but they are actually rather complex structures and they can give you insight into your health.

Nails are made up of lots of layers of keratin, the same protein that’s in your hair.

Experts look at nails as being made up of the nail plate, the hard bit on top, and the nail bed, the soft bit underneath.

then there’s the pale crescent moon bit at the top that’s called the lunula (Latin for “little moon”) the cuticle at the bottom of the nail and the nail folds, the hard skin at the side of your nails.

How hard and thick your nails are is mostly dependent on your genes. If your parents have rock solid nails that require metal nail files and serious nail clippers, you’ll probably have the same.

your nails should be firm, not too thin, and regular in colour.

If they’re brittle and break often, you may have a dietary deficiency.

Write down what you’ve eaten in the last week and talk to your doctor and get his advice.

If you have little white spots that appear sometimes and grow out, don’t panic. Although they can be signs of illness, these are most likely “bruises” from where you have knocked the nail bed.

When you’ve bashed your nails in a drawer, for example, you can expect the damage to show up days later and to stick around for ages.

Having said that, nails can help warn you about serious health issues.

Heart and thyroid problems often show up in your nails, causing them to lift or to look as they have little splinters underneath them.

If you have diabetes, you may notice your nails yellowing (it’s also an effect of wearing polish, so don’t panic).

Furthermor­e, rare conditions like lupus can cause the nail folds to swell, making your fingers very sore.

In short, if you’re not feeling well, and your nails look a bit off, go and see the family doctor. Better safe than sorry.

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