The Star Malaysia - Star2

Exploring a career in nursing


NURSING is a time-tested profession that is highly respected in many developed nations. To become a nurse, one must not only be skilled and knowledgea­ble but also have the right attitude and core values to serve and care for those who are unable to care for themselves.

Nilai University School of Nursing head Olive Louisa Lopez does not mince her words and stresses that she constantly reminds students that they must approach nursing with their heart and mind. The university’s School of Nursing displays and upholds this motto earnestly.

Carrie Chin Jia Wen and Lareina Chang Kuuan Yi, both graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Hons) in 2015, hold on to this sound advice until today and carry out their profession­al duties with dedication and care.

Having working at a hospital in Singapore for over two years, Chin and Chang are now pursuing a Masters in Business Administra­tion at Nilai University.

Do you have what it takes to be a nurse? You can develop the skills needed along the way. After all, having talent alone does not guarantee success.

A positive outlook and the willingnes­s to sharpen one’s gifts over time is what helps to secure success and fulfilment.

“It takes time to develop empathy. First and foremost, one should have sympathy and be an active listener,” advised Chin.

“Being a nurse is rewarding and fulfilling as it is also tiring. It takes some time to unwind after duty. Watching a good movie helps me relax after work,” she added.

“Always be curious. Do not set limits, but be aware of boundaries. Explore all areas of nursing. Try to understand more about a patient’s condition. Analyse why certain procedures are paramount,” said Chang.

She added that “when selecting a university to study nursing, choose one that has good lecturers as they can ignite the students’ passion to learn”.

Idealistic­ally, Chang hopes that more mothers who are nurses will pass on the torch to their children so that retired nurses will have better geriatric care. Older nurses will retire, and it would be ideal to have a sufficient number of younger nurses to fill this gap.

In an article published by

The Star on June 4, Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad said Malaysia lacked nurses, given that the World Health Organisati­on’s optimum number is one nurse per 200 patients.

The nursing profession will never go out of style and will continue to offer qualified nurses stable employment with opportunit­ies to venture overseas.

Some alumni of Nilai University’s Nursing School have taken on establishe­d positions in Singapore, Australia, Saudi Arabia and the United States.

Nilai University offers the Diploma in Nursing and the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Nursing.

The former is a three-year programme, while the latter is a fouryear programme.

Nilai University and several private hospitals also offering partial and full scholarshi­ps or sponsorshi­ps.

Students who wish to apply for scholarshi­ps or sponsorshi­ps can visit Nilai University’s Scholarshi­p Day on June 29 and 30.

The education counsellor­s will guide, assess and assist students to make an applicatio­n.

To make an appointmen­t, call 06-850 2308 or visit my or visit the campus in Nilai.

Nilai University is open seven days a week except on public holidays. Ask for a campus tour or schedule to meet the experience­d lecturers from the School Of Nursing.

 ??  ?? Chin (left) and Chang graduated from nilai university with a Bachelor of science in nursing (hons) in 2015.
Chin (left) and Chang graduated from nilai university with a Bachelor of science in nursing (hons) in 2015.

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