The Star Malaysia - Star2

Different priorities


YOUNG travellers from South Korea are the most snap-happy shutterbug­s when it comes to taking photos on vacation, while Colombians have the most wanderlust. That’s according to the results of a global survey conducted by, which aims to tease out the travel habits of Generation Z, a cohort of coming-of-age young adults between the ages of 16 and 24.

For the report, polled 5,456 respondent­s in 29 markets including Brazil, China, France, India, Australia, Britain, United States, Canada, Indonesia, Singapore, South Korea and Thailand.

The findings show that overall, travel figures high on this generation’s minds, with 67% globally saying they’re excited at the prospect of discoverin­g the world. But some countries have greater wanderlust than others. At 91%, for instance, respondent­s from Colombia expressed the highest amount of enthusiasm for travel, followed by India and China (tied at 82%), and Argentina (80%).

Globally, travelling and seeing the world outranked higher education, home ownership and retirement funds among Gen Z respondent­s when it comes to their spending priorities.

According to the survey, young travellers in India, Thailand and Russia are the most likely to prioritise spending on travel rather than material possession­s.

More than half of the respondent­s are also adrenaline junkies, with 56% expressing a desire for adventure travel such as paraglidin­g or bungee jumping.

When it comes to that timeless travel rite of passage of solo travel, only 18% globally expressed an interest strapping on a backpack or taking a gap year. But that figure doubled among respondent­s in Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Across the board, about half of Gen Z respondent­s around the world said they were aware of the environmen­tal impact of travel and would make efforts to green their travel.

The biggest source of inspiratio­n for Gen Z travellers, meanwhile, include Instagram, celebritie­s and influencer­s.

And when it comes to the most selfie-snapping, Instagram-happy shutterbug­s, it turns out that travellers from South Korea, India and Argentina are most likely to take more than 50 photos of their vacation – a day. – AFP Relaxnews

 ??  ?? young travellers from South Korea, India and argentina are likely to take more than two dozen photos a day while on vacation. — AFP relaxnews
young travellers from South Korea, India and argentina are likely to take more than two dozen photos a day while on vacation. — AFP relaxnews

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