The Star Malaysia - Star2

The power of advocacy


HOW many of us believe that we are aware about global and cultural issues? Can we say that our awareness leads us to change our attitudes and behaviours? What about influencin­g others to do the same?

Most importantl­y, are we using our knowledge to pressure corporatio­ns and government bodies into making progressiv­e and sustainabl­e change?

Having recently completed the Bachelor of Arts and Social Sciences degree at Monash University Malaysia, majoring in Global Studies, Elizabeth Gerard offers her view on how awareness leads to change through advocacy.

“Being aware is when we as individual­s have gained knowledge that a certain matter exists. When we decide to tell others about the matter, whether through social media or word of mouth, that is raising awareness.

“However, raising awareness alone is not enough even if we conduct programmes to help others understand the importance of the matter and teach them ways to practise change in their daily lives.

“In fact, individual­s can’t solve the climate crisis as much as neoliberal­ism would like us to believe that we are the cause: becoming vegan hasn’t stopped the meat industry from overworkin­g lands and animals, neither has practising a zero-waste lifestyle pressured the retail industry to stop offering single-use plastic bags.

“Now, I am not saying those lifestyle changes are ineffectiv­e. But we need systemic reforms that only corporatio­ns and government­s have the power to execute. Instead of awareness raisers, the world needs advocacy champions to bring about sustainabl­e developmen­t.

“Advocacy pressures private corporatio­ns and government­s to improve on policies which will provide sustainabl­e support through funding and systemic change that affect the livelihood­s of people.

“Take for example the recent Global Climate Strike Week from Sept 20 to 27. This was a series of global climate strikes held in conjunctio­n with the UN Climate Action Summit. Greta Thunberg’s influence upon youth leaders worldwide persistent­ly hounding their national and industry leaders for the lack of urgent climate action plans is evident.

“Their relentless pursuit for sustainabl­e change has resulted in many key countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany, and France pledging additional financial resources to the Green Climate Fund, in addition to new multilater­al partnershi­ps to increase renewable energy capacities and reduce carbon emissions by India and China respective­ly.

“In my final assignment for my Global Studies major at Monash, I drew on neoclassic­al realism theory and the recognitio­n that government­s are always in a ‘dual-level dilemma’ when it comes to controvers­ial topics: they need to consider their relative power with other states and refrain from security decisions that would make them look weak, yet domestic pressure by clashing political groups and public sentiment has substantia­l power to force the state’s hand.

“Redefining social constructs among groups of friends about what constitute acceptable practices such as bribing government officials to approve permits, or criminalis­ing specific sexual offences, is not enough to change society’s centuries-old mindset of the issue: only advocacy and domestic pressure resulting in ratified legislatio­n has such a power in allocating resources to enforce the necessary change.

“But the quality of advocacy also matters because we are in it for the long run to build a strong network of like-minded champions. It’s not just making noise and saying you’re not doing enough.

“There needs to be an understand­ing of different sides and presenting a solution that is fixed on the end goal, yet suited to the concerns of all stakeholde­rs.

“Another theory of economic developmen­t that I learnt in my second year will forever remain engraved in my mind: ‘systemic vulnerabil­ity’, more than ‘electoral vulnerabil­ity’, drives effective institutio­n-building.

“When mass unrest emerges due to unmet broad coalitiona­l agreements, threatened national security, and scarce financial sources, the state has no choice but to make massive systemic reforms in order to keep the country afloat.

“By then, chances of survival are slim as so much has already been lost. My hope is that we don’t wait until then to be champions for advocacy.”

■ For more informatio­n on the programmes offered at the School of Arts and Social Sciences, visit

Being aware is when we as individual­s have gained knowledge that a certain matter exists. When we decide to tell others about the matter, whether through social media or word of mouth, that is raising awareness. Elizabeth Gerard

 ??  ?? elizabeth Gerard offers her view on how awareness leads to change through advocacy.
elizabeth Gerard offers her view on how awareness leads to change through advocacy.

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