The Star Malaysia - Star2

On her way to a career in oncology


THEEGSHITH­EE Anantharaj­ah (pic) dreams of becoming an oncologist as cancer care and cure are areas wide open to exploratio­n. As such, it is the perfect career path for young doctors-to-be like her.

Having filled her teenage years watching adrenaline­pumping, mind-blowing crises capably resolved in medical dramas on television, she admires the life-transformi­ng effect of a doctor’s work.

“Every patient treated saves mankind. It’s not a job but a service,” she said.

Currently in her third year of the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) programme at Management and Science University (MSU) Internatio­nal Medical School (IMS) Shah Alam campus, the Sri Lankan lass initially struggled to adapt to her new environmen­t in Malaysia.

“I did a lot of research to find the most suitable university for me. I discovered MSU at the college in Sri Lanka – Management and Science Institute (MSI). I really liked the ambiance of the place. Now that I’m here, I find it easy to focus and work hard on my studies in such a great environmen­t.”

Theegshith­ee believes learning to balance your life and being consistent in your efforts are the keys to success. Like other MBBS students, she has taken part in many mentoring activities such as GPS Ramadan and the record-setting River Revival project by IMS.

She was once a member of the MSU Volunteer Aid Detachment Club and has also volunteere­d with the MSU Medic-Aid Support Squad.

“As MSUrians, we are required to participat­e in many activities, among them mentoring and competency enrichment. This not only makes university life more interestin­g but also develops our communicat­ion and organisati­onal skills,” she said.

“My learning experience­s at MSU not only trained me to be a capable doctor equipped with theoretica­l knowledge and clinical skills but also a holistic and well-rounded person.”

During her second year, she received the IMS Dean’s List Award, MSU President’s List Award and Best Student Award. She thanks her IMS lecturers and mentors “for their ever-welcoming open doors” and credits her mother for providing support.

To be a good doctor, Theegshith­ee also believes in seeing, doing and teaching good. She notes that practice makes perfect and while motivation will help you along, the willpower to achieve is equally important.

“I do miss my family a lot and sometimes, I get terribly homesick, but I have been so blessed with an amazing group of friends who have become my Malaysian family. It makes me feel at home and comfortabl­e in my journey at MSU,” she added.

MSU’s involvemen­t in medical sciences is an initiative towards complement­ing the nation’s need for qualified medical personnel in Malaysia and the region. MSU offers the undergradu­ate bachelor’s degree in Medicine (MBBS) and Medical Sciences, as well as opportunit­ies for foundation studies through its IMS.

Besides its main Shah Alam campus, the IMS also has a branch in Bangalore, India, which was Malaysia’s first medical school to receive a five-year accreditat­ion from the Malaysian Medical Council.

A key feature of MSU’s MBBS programme is its emphasis on clinical communicat­ion skills. Clinical contact is establishe­d early on through community engagement visits to medical practices, community care facilities and hospitals.

„ Want to be a doctor and qualify to sit for the Medical Entry Test at MSU? For details on scholarshi­ps and fee waiver, call 03-5521-6868, email or visit

 ??  ?? MBBs students take part in many mentoring activities, including GPs ramadan and the record-setting river revival project by IMs.
MBBs students take part in many mentoring activities, including GPs ramadan and the record-setting river revival project by IMs.
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