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Community gardens reopen

As Montreal’s community gardens reopen, officials issue ‘safety and sanitary rules’, including limiting numbers to 35 people at a garden at any given time.


IN MONTREAL, the centre of the coronaviru­s pandemic in Canada, the reopening of highly popular community vegetable gardens after a two-month lockdown has come as a breath of fresh air – despite rigid new rules.

“Just to touch the earth, it’s like reconnecti­ng with something deep inside of us – it does our souls good, it lessens the chaos – and I think we really need that,” said Manon Labelle, with a protective mask covering her mouth.

At 62, and having lost her father to Covid-19 over a week ago, Labelle is relieved to return to her small plot in the De Lorimier garden.

In this 5,000sq m community garden in the Plateau Mont-Royal, Montreal’s most densely crowded neighbourh­ood, urban gardeners cultivate some 180 small plots every summer on city-owned property.

On this highly anticipate­d day, brilliant sunshine and summer-like warmth combined to make people forget that only two weeks ago it was still snowing here.

Essential service

Several of the garden’s regulars were concerned that its reopening, already put off by over a month, might again be delayed.

“We were afraid there might be no garden,” and at a time when food self-sufficienc­y has become an ever more important topic, said Christine Lamothe, a 50-something local who arrived with a bundle of seeds.

“The city closed the gardens two months ago, and it caused an uproar,” said Stephane Espinosa, who chairs the garden’s oversight committee. “In fact, they were closed all over Canada.”

As the pandemic spread in midMarch, gardens “were not considered as an essential service” despite their “nutritiona­l and psychologi­cal value,” said Espinosa, a native of the French city of Marseille.

But after garden enthusiast­s bombarded officials with complaints and petitions, they finally earned “essential” status, added Espinosa, a Quebecer for 15 years.

To avoid overcrowdi­ng

“For many people,” said Montreal Mayor Valerie Plante, “community gardens are more than just for leisure. They allow them to better fill their needs and gain access to fresh products at low cost.”

But officials quickly issued “safety and sanitary rules” for the 97 gardens created in Montreal 45 years ago.

Most restrictiv­e is a new rule limiting to 35 the number of people allowed in a garden at any given time – whereas in past years one might find as many as 400 people at work, including garden members and their families.

Further, everyone must respect social distancing, and gardeners are encouraged to wear masks and gloves. People must wash their hands when entering the garden, while also disinfecti­ng garden gates and water spigots.

“The biggest change is not having access to our own tools, which we normally share with each other. You have to bring your own things from home,” said another gardener, Yan Poudrier.

“Usually we would come as a family, me and my three children. Unfortunat­ely, with the restrictio­ns this year on the number of individual­s, it’s hard to come with all three,” said the 39-year-old.

Less socialisin­g

But everyone is eager to sow their seeds or to plant the sprouts they have started at home over the winter – even if the garden has become “more a place for growing and less for socialisin­g,” said Lamothe.

“For my part,” said Espinosa, “I’m ready to start planting as quickly as possible.” He said he was planning out his plot “to the centimetre so I can put in as much as possible”.

“Gardening,” he added, “has become something really important for people this year, in this period of Covid, because they’ve come to rediscover their roots, to relearn bygone techniques, and to renew their bonds with their grandparen­ts.” – AFP Relaxnews

 ?? — AFP Relaxnews ?? After being closed for the past two months, Montreal’s community gardens have reopened, but new rules are in place to ensure everyone’s safety.
— AFP Relaxnews After being closed for the past two months, Montreal’s community gardens have reopened, but new rules are in place to ensure everyone’s safety.

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