The Star Malaysia - Star2

For strong muscles and bones


ASIDE from water, protein is the second most abundant organic molecule in the body, as an average human body comprises 15%-18% of protein.


Protein is found throughout the body – in muscles, skin, hair, antibodies, hormones, enzymes and virtually every other body part of tissue.


Protein is indeed important for life and is involved in most of the biological processes within the body.

However, inadequate protein intake may lead to several health complicati­ons such as:

– Muscle wasting (muscle atrophy): Protein is essential for muscle growth, strength and repair.

Insufficie­nt protein intake can reduce lean body mass, muscle strength (weakness) and functions.

Meanwhile, the body will “withdraw” protein from muscle tissues and use it as energy to support other vital body functions when the level of protein is low. Eventually, it will lead to muscle wasting.

– Impaired wound healing: Good nutrition, including sufficient protein intake, is essential for optimal wound healing. Protein deficiency has shown to lower the rate of wound healing.

– Premature ageing: Low protein intake can cause adverse physical changes in the body such as wrinkled and flaky skin, hair loss and brittle nails.

For optimal muscle growth, body strength and physical wellness, it is very crucial to ensure there is sufficient protein intake from diet.

Good quality protein is the key driver of good health

Protein is built from amino acids. Good quality protein contains all 20 amino acids, including the nine essential amino acids, which must be obtained from dietary sources.

Protein can be found in both animal and plant sources.

Several studies have shown that high consumptio­n of animal proteins such as meats, poultry, fish, dairy products and whey protein have detrimenta­l effects on uric acid metabolism, bone and heart health.

According to a recent study from Singapore, high consumptio­n of animal protein may lead to an increased risk of gout, while plant protein can reduce the risk. (3)

Additional­ly, animal protein contains higher amount of acid-based amino acids that can cause greater loss of calcium through urine and bone-weakening effect. (4), (5)

Biogrow HPF-5 PLUS – Beyond the convention­al protein formulatio­n

To build and maintain healthy muscle and bone masses, a combinatio­n of protein with calcium and other nutrients, such as magnesium, vitamins D3 and K2, would produce higher integrity and density to your muscles and skeleton, compared with taking protein or calcium supplement­ation alone.(6)

Magnesium, vitamins D3 and K2 can significan­tly improve bone health as magnesium and vitamin D3 enhance the absorption and utilisatio­n of calcium while vitamin K2 aids in bone mineralisa­tion by effectivel­y depositing calcium to bones and teeth for proper storage and it also helps prevent calcium loss from the bones.(7),


Therefore, they are known as the “Dynamic Quad”, as they work synergisti­cally with each other for stronger bones.

Biogrow HPF-5 PLUS is a new improved formula with a unique blend of plant protein and digestive fibre, fortified with bone health nutrients (calcium, magnesium, vitamins D3 and K2) for stronger muscles, bones and body strength. It contains no added sugar and is low in fat, cholestero­l-free and lactose-free.

Biogrow HPF-5 PLUS is suitable for all ages and vegetarian­s. One scoop of Biogrow HPF-5 PLUS (≈16g) daily can provide:

– ≥ 61% of plant protein (non-gmo soy and pea proteins) complete with all nine essential amino acids for protein synthesis.

– Synergisti­c effect with magnesium, vitamins D3 and K2 for better absorption, retention, utilisatio­n and deposition of calcium.

– ≥ 18% of digestive fibre to regulate bowel movement.

This article is brought to you by Legosan (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.

■ For more details, call 03-7956 2220 (Monday to Friday; 9am to 5pm) or email my


(1) Di Pasquale M.G., 2008. Amino

Acids and Proteins for the Athlete: The Anabolic Edge .p.3

(2) Harvard T.H. Chan, 2018. The Nutrition Source – Protein.

(3) Teng GG, et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2006; 84: 475-82.

(4) Kerstetter, J.E., A.m. kennny, and K.l. Insogna, Curr Opin Lipidol, 201. 22 (1): p. 16-20.

(5) Heaney RP. Effects of protein on the calcium economy. Elservier Inc, 2007: 191-7.

(6) Lister et al., 2007. Current topics in nutraceuti­cal research, 5, 67-82.

(7) Ballegooij­en AJV, et al. Int J Endocrinol. 2017. Volume 2017. 1-12. doi:10.1155/2017/7454376

(8) 5.Alternativ­e Medicine Review, 2010; Volume15, (3): 199-222

 ??  ?? Biogrow HPF-5 PLUS is a new improved formula.
Biogrow HPF-5 PLUS is a new improved formula.

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