The Star Malaysia - Star2

A little effort is all it takes


BEING a mother, it was only natural that Jasmin Thum is keen to set a good example to her child, and instil values like empathy and gratitude.

The 42-year-old freelancer who does marketing and events points out: “I have noticed that a lot of people – both young and old – are so o preoccupie­d with what they y want and what they don’t have, that they lose sight of what they actually have. And usually, that is so much more than most people.”

Although Thum doesn’t contribute her time to a charity, she does donate money whenever possible. From time to time, Thum also rallies her friends to check out The Picha Project to buy consumer goods and food produced by refugees, or donate to charity organisati­ons such as Yayasan Chow Kit.

She reasons, “If you’re going to eat or buy a present anyway, might as well eat or buy something that will pay back society one way or another.”

Taking that first step towards being charitable is quite easy, says Thum.

“One can start by catering meals from social enterprise­s for parties or buying presents made by single mums. Acts like these don’t come across as forcing anyone to be charitable.

“If the quality of products is good and people are keen to find out more, they will then ask you about it. This has happened to me

on numerous occasions when I introduced my friends to items produced by social enterprise­s. After all, you can’t force anyone to do anything they don’t want to do.”

Thum continues to do what she does because “you never know when you or your children will be the one needing help one day, and I suppose I believe in karma.

“And if everyone who is able can just contribute a little, you’d be surprised by how much it can add up.”

The Kuala Lumpur native has continued helping others this way during the Covid-19 pandemic, adding that it is even more important for everyone to be generous during this tough period.

Thum describes the future she hopes when it comes to doing good: “That everyone who is able will contribute something every month, even if it’s just a small amount of money or items, or their time to an organisati­on of their choice. It’s like going out to vote – you think your vote doesn’t matter, but it does. When everyone starts thinking collective­ly, it really makes a difference.”

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