The Star Malaysia - Star2

Calling women photograph­ers

- Lin – By Rouwen

LAST call for submission­s for Women Photograph­ers Malaysia’s first photo exhibition, which will be held from March 27 to April 4 at the Petaling Jaya Performing Arts Centre in Selangor.

The upcoming photo exhibition is titled Strength.

WPM was gearing up for an exhibition last November. But all plans had to be cancelled due to the pandemic restrictio­ns.

“Strength can be found anywhere, be it from inner peace, faith, interactio­n with family and friends, self-expression, or even our sheer will of waking up every morning to take on the day.

“We are leaving the interpreta­tion open to all participan­ts and hope to see visually gripping images which are accompanie­d by strong captions that describe how strength is found and achieved,” says co-founder Aisha Nazar. WPM’S other co-founder is Annice Lyn.

For this exhibition, WPM is searching for standalone images that tell a compelling story.

The selection will be curated by Lyn and Aisha, based on technicali­ty, compositio­n, image sharpness and captions. The exhibition will feature 35 images.

The deadline for submission is March 1. It is open to all women and non-binary photograph­ers who are Malaysians and/or non-malaysians residing here.

This is a paid submission with a minimal fee of RM15. The collected funds will be used for the exhibition.

Check the WPM social media pages for more informatio­n (on Facebook: wphotograp­hersmy; on Instagram: @womenphoto­graphersmy).

 ?? — ANNICE LYN ?? Submission­s are now open for the first Women Photograph­ers Malaysia’s Strength photo exhibition.
— ANNICE LYN Submission­s are now open for the first Women Photograph­ers Malaysia’s Strength photo exhibition.

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