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Home remedies for eczema


SKIN rashes can be very irritating – in every sense of the word. Eczema in particular is sometimes unbearably itchy, but there are some good home remedies to relieve the symptoms.

The skin is red, sometimes swollen. it may also be scaly or ooze fluid, or form little blisters or bumps. But mainly it’s itchy – constantly and almost unbearably. These are symptoms of eczema, also called dermatitis.

“Almost everyone gets it at least once during their lifetime,” says dermatolog­ist Dr Marion MoersCarpi, adding that the condition isn’t caused by a bacterium or virus and isn’t contagious.

There are two main types of eczema: endogenous (internal cause) and exogenous (external cause), and in many cases the skin inflammati­on is due to an interactio­n of the two.

Endogenous eczema is genetic and often appears on the eyelids, elbows or backs of the knees. A common form is neuroderma­titis.

in exogenous eczema, “the skin becomes inflamed as the result of an allergic reaction”, explains dermatolog­ist Dr Hartwig Mensing.

Sometimes called contact dermatitis, it can occur, for example, when the skin reacts to the nickel often present in costume jewellery. Fragrances can trigger it as well.

Eczema can occur anywhere on the body and is “especially frequent on the face or hands”, Mensing says.

Seborrhoei­c dermatitis is a form of endogenous eczema that affects the face or scalp and is characteri­sed by greasy, yellowish scales over red skin.

in dyshidroti­c eczema, also called pompholyx, the principal symptoms are itchy blisters on the hands, and sometimes the feet too.

When skin folds become inflamed – for example the armpits, buttock crease or skin under a woman’s breasts – the condition is known as intertrigi­nous dermatitis, or intertrigo. it often leads to a fungal or bacterial infection.

A case of eczema doesn’t always require a doctor’s visit, as home remedies are often sufficient to relieve symptoms.

“Cold compresses of black tea can help, for instance,” says MoersCarpi.

Here’s what to do: Make some black tea, let it cool and then put it into the refrigerat­or. Use a cotton wool pad to dab the affected skin with the tea when it’s cold. The tannins in black tea alleviate itching.

if your skin tends to be dry and you have eczema, you can often ease symptoms with an emulsion containing urea, according to Mensing.

in cases of acute weeping eczema, characteri­sed by blisters that ooze fluid, you should apply a moisturisi­ng cream to the skin instead of a fatty ointment. “it’s best to also apply a damp compress,” recommends Mensing, who says this promotes healing.

Should these home remedies fail to improve your skin condition within a week or so, it’s time to see a dermatolog­ist.

if the diagnosis confirms that you’re in fact suffering from eczema, the usual treatment is with a corticoste­roid cream or ointment, applied to the affected skin areas twice daily for five days, and once daily for the following five days.

Applicatio­n is then reduced to every other day for another six to seven days.

“Patients with eczema causing severe symptoms are prescribed additional medication­s as well,” says Mensing – for example an oral antihistam­ine, a drug also used to treat hay fever and other allergies.

According to Moers-Carpi, applicatio­n of cortisone-based cream or ointments is always helpful, especially since they quickly relieve intense itching. “To prevent a quick recurrence of eczema, it’s important not to abruptly discontinu­e applicatio­n,” she says, advising to carefully follow your doctor’s instructio­ns.

At every stage of treatment you should subsequent­ly apply a moisturisi­ng cream to your skin, such as one containing urea.

 ?? — Friso gentsch/dpa ?? skin rashes can be very irritating but there are some good home remedies to relieve the symptoms.
— Friso gentsch/dpa skin rashes can be very irritating but there are some good home remedies to relieve the symptoms.

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