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There is no quick fix when it comes to making artificial intelligen­ce more secure.


WHITE House officials concerned by artificial intelligen­ce (AI) chatbots’ potential for societal harm and the Silicon Valley powerhouse­s rushing them to market are heavily invested in a three-day competitio­n at the Defcon hacker convention in Las Vegas this month.

Some 2,200 competitor­s tapped laptops, seeking to expose flaws in eight leading large-language models representa­tive of technology’s next big thing.

But don’t expect quick results from this first-ever independen­t “redteaming” of multiple models.

The findings won’t be made public until about February. And even then, fixing flaws in these digital constructs, whose inner workings are neither wholly trustworth­y nor fully fathomed even by their creators, will take time and millions of dollars.

Current AI models are simply too unwieldy, brittle, and malleable, as academic and corporate research shows.

Security was an afterthoug­ht in their training as data scientists amassed breathtaki­ngly complex collection­s of images and text.

They are prone to racial and cultural biases and are easily manipulate­d.

“It’s tempting to pretend we can sprinkle some magic security dust on these systems after they are built, patch them into submission, or bolt special security apparatus on the side,” said Gary Mcgraw, a cybersecur­ity veteran and co-founder of the Berryville Institute of Machine Learning.

Defcon competitor­s are “more likely to walk away finding new, hard problems,” said Bruce Schneier, a Harvard public-interest technologi­st.

“This was computer security 30 years ago. We’re just breaking stuff left and right.”

Michael Sellitto of Anthropic, which provided one of the AI testing models, acknowledg­ed in a press briefing that understand­ing their capabiliti­es and safety issues “is sort of an open area of scientific inquiry”.

Convention­al software uses welldefine­d code to issue explicit, step-bystep instructio­ns. Openai’s CHATGPT, Google’s Bard, and other language models are different.

Trained largely by ingesting – and classifyin­g – billions of datapoints in Internet crawls, they are perpetual works-in-progress, an unsettling prospect given their transforma­tive potential for humanity.

After publicly releasing chatbots last November, the generative AI industry has had to repeatedly plug security holes exposed by researcher­s and tinkerers.

Tom Bonner of the AI security firm Hiddenlaye­r, a speaker at this year’s Defcon, tricked a Google system into labelling a piece of malware harmless merely by inserting a line that said “this is safe to use”.

“There are no good guardrails,” he said.

Another researcher had CHATGPT create phishing emails and a recipe to violently eliminate humanity, a violation of its ethics code.

A team including Carnegie Mellon researcher­s found leading chatbots vulnerable to automated attacks that also produce harmful content.

“It is possible that the very nature of deep learning models makes such threats inevitable,” they wrote.

It’s not as if alarms weren’t sounded.

In its 2021 final report, the US National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligen­ce said attacks on commercial AI systems were already happening, and “with rare exceptions, the idea of protecting AI systems has been an afterthoug­ht in engineerin­g and fielding AI systems, with inadequate investment in research and developmen­t”.

Serious hacks, regularly reported just a few years ago, are now barely disclosed. Too much is at stake and, in the absence of regulation, “people can sweep things under the rug at the moment and they’re doing so”, said Bonner.

Attacks trick the AI’S logic in ways that may not even be clear to their creators.

And chatbots are especially vulnerable because we interact with them directly in plain language. That interactio­n can alter them in unexpected ways.

Researcher­s have found that “poisoning” a small collection of images or text in the vast sea of data used to train AI systems can wreak havoc – and be easily overlooked.

A study co-authored by Florian Tramer of the Swiss University ETH Zurich determined that corrupting just 0.01% of a model was enough to spoil it – and cost as little as US$60 (RM280).

The researcher­s waited for a handful of websites used in web crawls for two models to expire. Then they bought the domains and posted bad data on them.

Hyrum Anderson and Ram Shankar Siva Kumar, who red-teamed AI systems while colleagues at Microsoft, call the state of AI security for textand image-based models “pitiable” in their new book Not With A Bug But With A Sticker.

One example they cite in live presentati­ons: The Ai-powered digital assistant Alexa is hoodwinked into interpreti­ng a Beethoven concerto clip as a command to order 100 frozen pizzas.

Surveying more than 80 organisati­ons, the authors found the vast majority had no response plan for a data-poisoning attack or dataset theft.

The bulk of the industry “would not even know it happened”, they wrote.

Andrew W. Moore, a former Google executive and Carnegie Mellon dean, says he dealt with attacks on Google search software more than a decade ago.

And between late 2017 and early 2018, spammers gamed Gmail’s Ai-powered detection service four times.

The big AI players say security and safety are top priorities and made voluntary commitment­s to the White House last month to submit their models – largely “black boxes” whose contents are closely held – to outside scrutiny.

But there is worry that the companies won’t do enough.

Tramer expects search engines and social media platforms to be gamed for financial gain and disinforma­tion by exploiting AI system weaknesses.

A savvy job applicant might, for example, figure out how to convince a system that they are the only correct candidate.

Ross Anderson, a Cambridge University computer scientist, worries AI bots will erode privacy as people engage them to interact with hospitals, banks, and employers, and malicious actors leverage them to coax financial, employment, or health data out of supposedly closed systems.

AI language models can also pollute themselves by retraining themselves from junk data, research shows.

Another concern is that company secrets are being ingested and spit out by AI systems. After a Korean business news outlet reported on such an incident at Samsung, corporatio­ns including Verizon and Jpmorgan barred most employees from using CHATGPT at work.

While the major AI players have security staff, many smaller competitor­s likely won’t, meaning poorly secured plug-ins and digital agents could multiply.

Startups are expected to launch hundreds of offerings built on licensed, pre-trained models in the coming months.

Don’t be surprised, researcher­s say, if one runs away with your address book. – AP

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