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The friendly gut bacteria

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HOW much do you know about your intestines? A complex community of over 100 trillion microbial cells including bacteria resides in our gastrointe­stinal tract that can affect how our body works.

Some of the bacteria in the intestines help to perform beneficial functions such as digesting food, aiding in the absorption of nutrients and helping in improving bowel movement, are known to be the “good” bacteria. The remainder of the bacteria may either not provide any benefits or could be potentiall­y harmful, which is sometimes referred to as “bad” bacteria. The “bad” bacteria can cause infections or even diseases.

Your digestive system is counting on you

The balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut has to be maintained in a balance. This ratio between good bacteria and the other bacteria becomes one of the critical factors determinin­g not only your digestive health but also your overall health.

Our environmen­t greatly influences this balance, and a poor diet, stress, medication­s and an unhealthy lifestyle can disrupt the balance. When that happens, a person may experience digestive health problems such as bloating, intestinal pain, constipati­on or diarrhoea.

On the other hand, healthy, balanced gut microbiota promotes digestion by helping out with the breakdown of foods and leads to more efficient nutrient absorption and hence helps in maintainin­g optimal health.

One way to improve our good bacteria count is by taking probiotics through our food such as yoghurt and fermented foods or as supplement­s.

Are your probiotics getting through?

Probiotics are live bacteria that help to support a healthy balance of gut microbiota in the intestines. When probiotics are consumed, they will pass through an acidic environmen­t in our stomach and this can affect the survival of bacteria remaining in our digestive tract. Furthermor­e, when probiotics are exposed to different environmen­ts such as high temperatur­es, it may affect probiotics survivabil­ity. Thus, it is crucial to choose probiotics that can withstand gastric acid and heat shock.

Probiocap Microencap­sulation Technology is the technology that protects probiotics in harsh conditions such as gastric and heat shock, thus ensuring a better survival rate of probiotics during intestinal transit and its quality.

The survival of probiotics is of utmost importance because only live probiotics confer health benefits to us, not the dead ones.

Probiotics for your gut health

Biogrow Probiotics provides highly stable microencap­sulated strains made from patented Probiocap Microencap­sulation Technology from Institute Rosell-lallemand, Canada that ensures the probiotics are resistant to gastric acid and heat shock and have an improved survival rate. It consists of three different strains (L. acidophilu­s Rosell-52, L. rhamnosus Rosell-11 and B. longum Rosell-175); each strain is supported by scientific studies to ensure consumers get the probiotics that are safe and beneficial to gut health. Remember, only live probiotics confer benefits to us, not the dead ones.

Get Biogrow Probiotics now for good gut health. It is available at all leading pharmacies nationwide.

This article is contribute­d by Legosan (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.

This is a supplement product advertisem­ent.

KKLIU: 0645 / EXP 31.12.2025

 ?? ?? Biogrow Probiotics uses highly stable microencap­sulated strains to ensure good gut health.
Biogrow Probiotics uses highly stable microencap­sulated strains to ensure good gut health.

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