The Star Malaysia - StarBiz

Onshore financial centre poser

Indonesia mulls idea as it overhauls tax system


JAKARTA: Indonesia is considerin­g forming a special region that will serve as an onshore financial centre in which domestic firms can create shell companies without having to go to tax haven countries, its finance minister said late on Wednesday.

South-East Asia’s largest economy is in the early stages of overhaulin­g its tax system. It has announced many plans that the government hopes will get more people to pay taxes and empower the tax authority, including a proposed tax amnesty.

Currently, only 27 million people of the 250 million population are registered taxpayers and around a million people filed tax reports.

Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonego­ro told reporters that after the tax amnesty programme ends, the region under considerat­ion will allow Indonesian firms investing abroad to get lower tax rates and easier rules to open a financial company that would serve them as a special purpose vehicle (SPV).

The country’s tax office has found at least 2,000 SPVs set up by Indonesian­s and 6,000 saving accounts in many tax haven countries, Brodjonego­ro had said previously. “We want our companies with offshore business to have their headquarte­rs here, not in tax havens in other parts of the world, like Panama or Mauritius,” he said, adding that the low tax rates would not apply to firms with onshore business.

The government has proposed to parliament to offer tax amnesty starting from July until the end of the year and has projected 165 trillion rupiah (US$12.44bil) of additional income from the programme. Under the scheme, the government will offer low rates for taxpayers who declare untaxed assets at home and abroad in order to broaden the country’s tax base.

Brodjonego­ro said parliament was close to reaching a decision on a bill backing the amnesty plan and may vote upon the bill before it goes into recess next week. — Reuters

 ??  ?? Brodjonego­ro: ‘We want our companies with offshore business to have their headquarte­rs here, not in tax havens in other parts of the world, like Panama or Mauritius.’ — reuters
Brodjonego­ro: ‘We want our companies with offshore business to have their headquarte­rs here, not in tax havens in other parts of the world, like Panama or Mauritius.’ — reuters

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